Trustees Records, Vol. 5, 1870 (page 170)




Status: Indexed



discussion, it was

Voted, – that the Report be accepted.

Division of Lots, "Expediency" of considered,

A general discussion ensued with reference to the
"Expediency" of the division of a Lot among two or more
different owners which the corporation had originally
granted ^to or the title to which had vested in one proprietor,
a question which the Committee states that they did not
consider as before them "was under the submission". The
preponderance of opinion, both in the Committee and among
the Trustees generally, appearing to be that such a division
was inexpedient, save in exceptional cases, and under the
authority of a Vote of the Trustees sanctioning a conveyance
back to the Corporation, for the purposes of division, it was

& held to be inexpedient save in exceptional cases. Com. on Lots instructed to report amendt to By=Laws to this effect.

Voted, – that the subject be referred to the Committee on
Lots, ^with Mr Choate, with the instructions to report such an amendment to
the by=Laws of the Corporation as they may deem adequate
in the premises to prevent such division except by Vote of the Trustees.

John F. O'Brien's appn to divide Lot 2203 declined.

Voted, – that the application of John F. O'Brien for the
division of Lot No 2203 on Elm Avenue is hereby declined.

Voted, – that this meeting be dissolved.

Saml Batchelder Jr., Secretary.



Boston, .

At the time appointed for the regular monthly
Meeting of the Trustees, Wednesday, , at Four
o'clock P.M., – being "the second Wednesday" in said month, –
Messrs. J. T. Bradlee, Brewer, Choate, Perkins, Pickering
and Snow were present, but for lack of a quorum, it was

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