Trustees Records, Vol. 5, 1870 (page 343)




Status: Indexed



Voted, – that said Committee have authority to
employ counsel at the expense of the corporation, and
to submit their report in print.

Stevenson, Jewell, Wadsworth appd to compose Committee

The chair appointed Messrs. J. Thomas Stevenson,
Harvey Jewell and Alexander Wadsworth to compose
said Committee.

Granite Kerbing, &c. Trustees to enquire & rept as to expediency of On motion of prohibiting.

On motion of Mr J. Story Fay, it was

Voted, – that the Trustees be requested to enquire
into and report to the Proprietors as to the expediency
of hence forward prohibiting all fences and kerbing
around lots, and in the grounds of Mount Auburn
whether of granite, iron, or other material excepting

Comtee app to collect, count & sort votes for Trustees

On motion of Mr Collamore, it was

Voted, – that a Committee of two be appointed by
the chair to collect, count and sort the votes for Trustees.

The chair appointed Messrs. Collamore and
McLellan to compose said committee, who sub-
sequently reported as follows, viz: –

Election of Messrs. Brewer & Perkins

Whole members of ballots, cast. 82
all of which were for

Thomas M. Brewer, to serve until 1881, by re-election
William Perkins, " [to] " [serve] " [until] " [1881], " [by] " [re-election]

and they were accordingly declared elected and as foresaid.

No other business being presented, it was

Voted, – that this meeting be dissolved.

Saml Batchelder Jr., Secretary.


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Kerbing is a British spelling of curbing. Who knew!