An Act in Addition to an Act to Incorporate, 1859 (page 1)




Status: Indexed

An Act in addition to an Act to
incorporate the Proprietors of the Cemetery
of Mount Auburn.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House
of Representatives
in General Court assembled,
and by the authority of the same, as follows:

Sec. 1. The Corporation known as the Proprietors
of the Cemetery of Mount Auburn, may grant
and convey to the heirs at law, devisees or trustees
of any deceased person, any lot or lots, and additions
to the same, in said Cemetery, for the purpose of burial,
or of erecting tombs, cenotaphs and other monuments
in and upon the same, to be held by the grantees in
accordance with the provisions of section eight of
the act creating said Corporation.

Section 2. Said Corporation may grant and convey to any
other Corporate body ^its succesors and assigns, any lot or lots, and addititions thereto,
for the purposes aforesaid, which lot or lots, if con-
taining more than three hundred square feet, may be
represented by the President, Treasurer or such other
officer as may be designated by such corporate body.

Approved .-

Sec. 3. Said Corporation may grant and convey to any pro-
prietor of any lot or lots in said Cemetery, the space, or

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