Adams Statue: Contract with Randolph Rogers, 1855 (page 2)




Status: Indexed

a good & workmanlike manner, another figure in plaster of
said Statue, which shall be of the full size of said Statue,
& which shall be completed within two years from the date
of this agreement, & conveyed & made over to said Corpo-
ration, subject to the right of said Rogers^C to use the same
at all times in & about the further execution of this contract.

And said Rogers^C further agrees to make, finish & de-
liver to said Corporation the said marble Statue & pedestal
as aforesaid within three years & six months from the date
of this agreement ; and if not otherwise ordered by the
Trustees, said Statue & pedestal shall upon reasonable notice
to the Treasurer for the time being of said Corporation, be
delivered to said Treasurer at some wharf in the City of
Boston. The Statue, when so delivered, shall be whole
& complete, & without fracture or damage, & ready to be set
in such a place as said Trustees shall designate.

And said Corporation agrees that when the said
Marble Statue shall have been so delivered, as afore-
said, to said Corporation, that said Corporation will forth-
with relinquish all claim (to said Statuette, &) to said full
sized plaster model in due form to said Rogers^C . But
in case that the said Rogers^C shall fail to complete, finish
& deliver to said Corporation as aforesaid the said mar-
ble Statue within three years & six months from the date of
this agreement, (the said Statuette, &) the said full sized
figure in plaster, (as well as said daguerreotypes or pho-
tographs ; or such of them as shall have been made as
aforesaid,) whether previously delivered, or not delivered,
shall be & remain the property of said Corporation free
from any claim in said Rogers^C, or any other person
claiming under him, to the possession, use or improvement
of the same, & said Rogers^C shall have no further claim
upon said Corporation on account of or by reason of
this Contract, or his services in any way rendered in or
about the said Statue, or (Statuette,) model figure, photo-
graphs or daguerreotype) as aforesaid.

The said Corporation agrees to pay to said Rogers^C,
(he doing & performing this contract on his part as above set
forth.) the (following sums at the following times ; that is

Notes and Questions

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2nd par. -- [some?]

Also, words split between lines don't look right (on my computer)--hyphens don't stick.


Looks like some - but we could double check historic names of Boston wharves. The s is consistent with the handwriting though so pretty sure it's some. Hyphens look good on my computer. They get lost in overview but when you click on document the completed transcription shows them nicely.