1856-04-21 Trustee Committee Report on Keeping Books and Accounts, 2021.004.019



Needs Review


The Committee appointed to investigate the mode of keeping the accounts and other duties performed by the Gate Keeper and Clerk at Mount Auburn, having made a report at the last meeting of the Board, and that report having been recommitted to them with instructions to report certain specific votes on the matter recommended for the consideration of the Board, have attended to that duty and submit the following votes - to wit:

Voted, That no interments be permitted at Mount Auburn without such permits as may be required by law, from the towns or cities from which the bodies shall be brought, shall be presented at the gate. -

Voted, That the particulars and amounts of the fees of burial shall be printed on the backs of the permits and at the foot shall be added the words "payable at the time of interment."-

Voted, That an Iron Safe be purchased for the safekeeping of the Records and other books and documents at the Office at Mount Auburn, at an expense of not exceeding one hundred and fifty dollars.

Last edit about 3 years ago by Mount Auburn Cemetery
Needs Review


Voted, That a Committee of two Trustees, to be denominated "The Committee on Rules and Regulations of interments &c," be chosen annually, whose duty it shall be to examine from time to time to see that the matters named in the abovereport vote and those of a kindred nature, and all rules and regulations pertaining to the same, shall be faithfully executed. -

Voted, That the Committee on Rules and Regulations of interments &c, be charged with the subject of the mode of keeping the Records, books &c at Mount Auburn, and that they make such changes in the same, as they, in concert with the Treasurer, may deem expedient.-

Voted, That the same Committee be requested to consider the subject of the Office at the Gate and what alterations or additions, if any, it would be expedient to make, and to report at some future meeting of the Board. -

All of which is respectfully submitted

George Wm Bond} Committee Chas. G. Nazro}

Last edit about 3 years ago by Mount Auburn Cemetery
Needs Review


Report of Comee on Keeping books accounts &c at GateSeries of votes accomping report - April 21/56 Recorded vol 2d p. 79 & 80.

Last edit about 3 years ago by Mount Auburn Cemetery
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