1876-03-29_Committee Report to Unite Treasurer and Secretary-p1_2021_004_079


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3 revisions
Elizabeth Casner at Oct 07, 2021 07:58 PM

1876-03-29_Committee Report to Unite Treasurer and Secretary-p1_2021_004_079

The committee appointed at the meeting
of the Trustees, held Feby 16, 1876, "to consider
and report at an adjourned meeting wheth-
er the Trustees have power to unite the
offices of Secretary and Treasurer, and if
so upon the expediency of such action, togeth-
er with such recommendations regarding
the duties and compensation of said
officers, as they may deem for thenterests
of the corporation"


That in their opinion the Trustees have
the power to unite the two offices of Treas-
urer and Secretary, but to do this would
probably requiree the alteration of the end
article of the By-Laws, & the assent of the
Proprietors at the next annual meeting.
They do not however at this time recom-
mend this union of the two offices.
Neither do they propose any reduction
of the salaries heretofore paid, these
not being excessive for the amount and


The committee appointed at the meeting
of the Trustees, held Feby 16, 1876, "to consider
and report at an adjourned meeting wheth-
er the Trustees have power to unite the
offices of Secretary and Treasurer, and if
so upon the expediency of such action, togeth-
er with such recommendations regarding
the duties and compensation of said
officers, as they may deem for thenterests
of the corporation"


That in their opinion the Trustees have
the power to unite the two offices of Treas-
urer and Secretary, but to do this would
probably requiree the alteration of the end
article of the By-Laws, & the assent of the
Proprietors at the next annual meeting.
They do not however at this time recom-
mend this union of the two offices.
Neither do they propose any reduction
of the salaries heretofore paid, these
not being excessive for the amount and