Mount Auburn Cemetery
Avenues and Paths
Funerary Industry
King's Chapel Burying Ground(0)
Phipps Street Burying Ground(0)
Central Burying Ground, Boston(0)
Market Street Burying Ground(0)
Dorchester North Burying Ground(0)
Walter Street Burying Ground(0)
Dorchester South Burying Ground(0)
Mount Hope Cemetery, Rochester, NY(2)
Landmarks at Mount Auburn Cemetery
Public Lot, St. James's, 82(16)
Public Lot, St. Paul's, 3730(23)
Public Lot, St. Matthew's, 3280(14)
Lot Numbers
Public Lot, St. Paul's, 3730(23)
Public Lot, St. Matthew's, 3280(14)
Public Lot, St. John's, 1736(22)
Organizations and Companies
The Saint Louis Cremation Society(2)
Swan Point Cemetery, Providence(2)
E. R. Morse Fire Proof Safes(2)
Brighton Botanic Gardens and Nurseries(2)
Massachusetts Horticultural Society(321)
Forest Hills Cemetery, Jamaica Plain(12)
American Bell Telephone Co.(2)
Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows of the US(1)
Massachusetts House of Representatives(17)
Catholic Archdiocese of Boston(4)
Boston Daily Advertiser & Patriot(2)
Damon Safe & Iron Works Co.(3)
Employers' Liability Assurance Corp.(1)
Old Burying Ground, Cambridge(2)
Boston & Providence Railroad(31)
Church Home for Orphan and Destitute Children(3)
Boston Fatherless and Windows Society(6)
Eastern New Hampshire Railroad(11)
Portland, Saco & Portsmouth Railroad(23)
German American Insurance Co.(1)
Boston Society of Natural History(3)
Woodlawn Cemetery, Stamford, CT(1)
Massachusetts Bible Society(3)
Park Street Congregational Society(2)
Independent Corps of Cadets(2)
Mount Hope Cemetery, Boston(2)
Boston & Worcester Railroad(24)
Highland Slate Manufacturing Co.(8)
Second Society of Universalists(5)
Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association(1)
Emerson's Watertown Express(2)
Boston Daily Evening Transcript(5)
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston(0)
Christian Watchman & Reflector(1)
King's Chapel Burying Ground(0)
Catholic Mount Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge(10)
Massachusetts Hospital Life Insurance Co.(44)
Phipps Street Burying Ground(0)
Massachusetts Historical Society(0)
Central Burying Ground, Boston(0)
Market Street Burying Ground(0)
Green-wood Cemetery, Brooklyn(6)
Laurel Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia, PA(2)
Spring Grove Cemetery, Cincinnati(7)
Dorchester North Burying Ground(0)
Walter Street Burying Ground(0)
Dorchester South Burying Ground(0)
Warren Street Chapel Association(1)
Home for Indigent and Incurable Consumption(1)
Young Men's Christian Association(2)
Second Church of Christ, Roxbury(0)
Harvard University Herbaria(0)
Lone Mountian Cemetery, San Francisco(1)
Harvard Museum of Natural History(0)
Mount Hope Cemetery, Rochester, NY(2)
Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology(0)
Massachusetts General Court(15)
Newton Theological Institution(4)
Harvard Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology(0)
United States Exploring Expedition(1)
Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court(1)
Mechanic's Mutual Insurance Company(3)
Insurance Company of North America(1)
Mountain View Cemetery, Oakland, CA(1)
Boston Telephone Dispatch Co.(2)
The Washington National Bank of Boston(1)
Williams, Elizabeth Watson(19)
Raphael, Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino(3)
Bradlee, Frances Ann Tisdale(1)
Gould, Benjamin A. (1787-1859)(295)
Curtis, Charles P. (1792-1864)(852)
Parker, Isaac (1788-1858)(186)
Lawrence, William (1783-1848)(10)
Saltonstall, Mary Elizabeth(1)
Bowditch, Nathaniel Ingersoll (3)
Merriam, Charles (1803-1865)(6)
Saunders, William (1787-1861)(2)
Willard, Joseph (1798-1865)(2)
Richardson, Catherine M. E.(3)
Fillebrown, Edward (1772-1817)(1)
Holbrook, Edward (1772-1847)(3)
Lawrence, William R. (1812-1885)(53)
Little, Charles Coffin, Mrs.(3)
Lowell, Charles Russell, II(7)