p020_Diary of Martha Call
with the greatest ease imaginable. After dinner we
walked over the grounds, and saw all the wonders, in
the form of tete-a-tete apple-trees &c, ascended to the cupula
to see the prospect, and at half-past-five the carriage
was at the door to convey us to the boat again. We
reached home by seven oclock, and in season to give
Cara, who had been having quite a busy day, some
assistance, about getting ready for Edward's company,
which speedily assembled. I did not enter the room until
several had arrived, and then I felt and I fear acted
rather awarkly. – It is'nt pleasant to have to come into
a room, and be introduced to a number of strangers.
However, the evening passed off very well indeed, and I
guess they all enjoyed it. There were here, two Miss
Harveys, Miss Wise, Mr. Harvey, George Thorpe and
George something else, a Mr Lincoln, with a great
amout of whisker and mustache, who is a professor of
music and did great execution on the piano, and
several others, to say nothing of a young man, with a feeble
little mustache whose name I dont recollect, but who hopes
to be advised of it when I make my next visit to the
city. Saturday morning Uncle took the two aunts and I
out riding again, and after our return I wrote a long
letter to the people at home, and a short one to uncle
Hadlock, telling them that we shall return to Boston on
Thursday of next week, as aunt thinks that she cannot
possibly stay longer. Soon after dinner Cara and I arranged
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