p021_Diary of Martha Call
ourselves and set off for down-town in a Broadway
omnibus, and as we had some shopping to do called
at some of the most splendid stores that I ever saw,
one in particular, is a whole block in one store, and
elegant beyond description. I purchased muslin and
edging for a pair of sleeves, some light kid gloves
and a lace collar for mother. Then we went to the
celebrated Barnum's Museum where Cara felt a desire
to take me. The play acted was Mary Lockwood, or
Wealth and its Consequences. I never saw anything of
the kind before, and did not fancy it much, but
with the curiosities I was very much pleased. There is
everything there, from a stuffed elephant to a stuffed
humming-bird. After leaving the Museum, we went down
Barclay Street to call on Harrison Liscomb, where I at
first made quite a blunder by speaking to another
gentleman for him. Harrison seemed quite pleased to
see me, and wants me to go to his house. There I
found Mrs Mellen's adress, which is Carmine, instead
of Broome Street. After leaving there, and waiting on
Broadway some little while for a coach, we found
one and came directly home, and then I thought
I must certainly stay at home and fix my bonnet to
wear today, but Edward insisted upon it that I must
go with them to choir meeting at the church, and the
consequence was that it was past twelve before I got
my bonnet fixed, and myself in bed. However, I
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