p022_Diary of Martha Call
was glad I went for the music was very fine, and
both Mary and Mr Root were quite pleased to see me.
One the way home we stopped and had an ice-cream,
and I was introduced to Sarah Root. Darkness has
overtaken me, so I must defer writing about today
until tomorrow.
Monday, June 14.
I forgot to, just down speaking of our call on Harrison
Liscomb, that he weighed me, and found me to weigh only
eighty-four pounds. Yesterday morning I was exceedingly
tired and sleepy, but notwithstanding I succeeded in
getting up at seven oclock, some hours before cousin Ned.
We intended to go to the Mercer Street church, and as Cara
was not going, and it was necessary to go quite slow
on aunt Hadlock's account, we did not wait for the
two Edwards, but set off quite early with aunt Mary
for a guide. Our guide proved not to be a very good one,
for she led us up several streets, which we had to go
directly down again, and made the walk, which was in
the first place full long enough, a great deal too long,
and aunt Hadlock very tried. At last, we found
the place, and were seated in the very front pew, before
the services commenced. The text was Hebrews 14, 12.
"And holiness without which no man can see God." and
what was a little remarkable about it was that last
Thursday evening, I went to a meeting with Cara, in another
place, and heard another minister preach from the same
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