p024_Dairy of Martha Call




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Thursday, June 17.
Monday morning the word was that we were all to
go and have our pictures taken, but just before
we set off, Edward told me to wait until the next
day and go with him, so aunt Hadlock, aunt Mary
and uncle all had theirs, and very good ones they
are too, then I sat down and wrote a letter to Henry
and Emmie. In the afternoon Mary Root, Sarah Root,
and aunt Catey Woodman were here to tea, and we
had a very pleasant time. Tuesday morning we did
not rise very early, but as soon as we conveniently
could, which was about half past nine I think,
Edward, Cara and I set out for down town to get
our pictures taken. We went in an omnibus to Thompson's
on Broadway, and after waiting a season for him to
prepare his plates, we were taken, first Edward, a very
good likeness indeed, but a little too straight and stately
I guess that aunt Hadlock will carry it home with
her, then my ladyship came on the carpet, but unfortunately
the first time, the lady showed her teeth, which did'nt look
well in the picture - the second time she had better
success, - kept her mouth shut, and got what is said
to be a very fine likeness. Having got through with this
important business, we went to Harrison Liscomb's store
and he showed us over the whole of it, mills, burning
apparatus, engine and all. We were going to call on his
wife, but when he told us that he had had a new

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