p025_Dairy of Martha Call
little daughter come that morning, we thought that
we had better omit that call, however, he would not
hear of it, and said his wife would be very much
disappointed if she did not see me, so though we
felt a little awkardly about going under the
circumstances, we went, and were ushered directly to
Elizabeth's room, where we saw her, lookin as bright
as could be, and a beautiful baby, I should think
most as large as Mrs Griffith's, that is four weeks old.
When we saw it, it was aged six hours.
After leaving there we took a stage, and went to
Mrs Mellen's on Carmine Street. Mrs Mellen was delighted
to see me, so we made a long call there, and partook
of some cake and lemonade. Then we went to
Mary Olive's in Clinton Place, and made quite a call,
two or three hours long, indeed I was going to stay to
tea, but Cara having gone out to find some lawn
to make her a bonnet, and returned without having
met with much success, I thought that I would go
and help her, first I wrote to George, saying that
we would return today. We had quite a search after
the lawn, which we finally found, and reached home
about seven. In the evening we had a short call
from Mr and Mrs Root.
Friday, June 18.
Wednesday we had a very quiet day, stayed at home
all day, and Cara and I made her bonnet, so that it
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