p026_Dairy of Martha Call




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looks very prettily. In the afternoon Mrs Mellen and
Vickey made quite a long call. Just after tea as
aunt and I were about to adjourn for the purpose of
packing up, there was a great effort made by the
Quimby family generally, to keep us for a few days
longer. Edward in particular, was very earnest about
it, and finally to my great gratification, aunt consented
to stay until Monday morning, and so let Edward
telegraph to that effect, so the packing was given up.
In the evening a very young married man, and two
Mr Abbots called. I had a very urgent invitation from
Edward Williams to go to a concert, and at first agreed
to go, because I did'nt know what else to do, but afterwards
as I did'nt want to go at all managed to excuse myself.
In the afternoon, as I was almost despairing of hearing
from home, I received a beautiful letter from Ricker, -
the first he ever wrote me. I was perfectly delighted
with it, and answered it, the very first thing after
breakfast yesterday morning, - also wrote to Bartlett,
Emmie, Rebecca Hadlock and aunt Osgood. Tore a
long place in my dress, and had the pleasure of mending
it. Also hemmed a towel and a half and read the
West World till eleven. Edward went down town to
telegraph &c and as I was going down stairs I met him
coming up, having just returned. He wanted me to go
back with him, and much to my surprise gave me an
elegant pair of embroidered lace sleeves, in a neat little box

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