p027_Dairy of Martha Call
I didnt want to take them, and told him so, and even
pursued him to his room to give it back, but it was
all of no use, and I had to take them, he finally
writing my name in the box. I dont know whether it
is right to receive such present from a gentleman,
but he being my cousin, I dont think it could be
much harm.
Saturday, June 19.
Thursday afternoon I received two more letters, one from
Emmie, the other from sister Mary, and Mary says what
I have been expecting to hear for a good while that
our good friend Ricker hopes that he is a Christian.
That is the very best of news, for that was all that
was wanting to make him everything that a young man
can be. Aunt Hadlock thinks that - will want
to make me his wife sometime, but she is mistaken
about that, though I cant make her believe it. He
has lived with us so long, that he is almost a brother,
a dear, good brother, and as such we all love him dearly.
(It is fortunate that this book is not to be seen by
anyone but the writer). Mary says too that I had
better tell Henry that I feel differently from what I
used to, but I hardly know how I can, for what have
I done while there to make him think that I am
different, or less careless than I used to be, and here it
is worse yet, for I have even neglected to read my Bible,
and my prayers have not been as they should be. The
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