p028_Dairy of Martha Call
reason has been that here I have no place of retirement
but that I know, is no excuse for me, "where there is
a will, there is a way." I am so easily drawn away
from what I know to be the right way, that I fear
I have not the root of the matter in me, that I
never shall be a firmly established Christian.
Yesterday was a very pleasant day, and not quite
so warm as some. The morning passed off very
pleasantly helping make a bed-sick shelling peas &c,
also, I finished the Wide, wide world, which is a
beautiful story - if I had time I should like to
write a little sketch of it. The heroine is little Ellen
Montgomery, at the time the story commences a child
of seven or eight years, kind, pleasant and lovely, but
with strong passions, which a pious but invalid mother
is striving to subdue by the power of the religion of
Christ. The father alas! is a wholly different character,
who while he is a good, upright, moral man is wholly
destitute of sympathy with his wife and daughter.
The physician prescribed as the only remedy for the
sick mother a journey to foreign lands, and Captain
Montgomory resolved to take her with him on a long
voyage, while he also decided that to take Ellen with
them was out of the question. The parting between the
mother and daughter was painful in the extreme, the
latter only supported by the hope of her mother's return
with renewed health, the former feeling that for the last
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