p029_Dairy of Martha Call




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time she held her beloved child in her arms, that
henceforth her little daughter was thrown upon the wide,
wide world. The story follows little Ellen on her way
to aunt Fortune's an old-maidish, and unamiable
sister of her father's, to whose care she was consigned
during their absence. It is highly interesting to follow
the little girl through year after year, to see the
many sorrows by which she is surrounded, the
unkindness of Aunt Fortune, and the rough but
sincere love of Mr Van Brunt - to watch the constant
struggle to become a Christian, - sometimes almost
successful, sometimes the ungovernable passions breaking
out and sweeping all before them. Then her aquaintance
with Alice and John, accidentally begun, and carried
on till they became far more to her, than the
brother and sister they called themselves. Then came
that dreadful blow, her mother's death. Poor Ellen! it
was a stunning shock, and not till in her own
home and heart Alice had cherished her for months,
and John with his love and kindness had raised her
heart to that Heaven, where her mother was eternally
at rest, did she in any degree recover from the blow.
I have not time to follow her further, but will only
say, that the same insidious desease that had brought
her mother to the grave, now fastened itself upon the
loving and lovely Alice. Little Ellen, now by the death
of her father also, made wholly an orphan, was there

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