zDEMO Letter: Guidebooks



Letter: To Col. Folsom from T.H. Safford, Guidebooks Lost in Boston Fire, 1873, page 2
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Letter: To Col. Folsom from T.H. Safford, Guidebooks Lost in Boston Fire, 1873, page 2

Price of Guides

In relation to the price according to Mr. Spears account there was an alteration.

He thinks that Fred paid as high as seventeen cents, wholesale ^and retailed at .25¢ and he Spear paid twenty cents, and retailed them for 30 cents.

T. H. Safford.

On receipt of the above I requested Mr. Safford to see Messrs, R, & R, & [----d?] them as to their price for selling out. Their answer to him is enclosed -

C. W. F. Supt

Last edit over 4 years ago by MegWinslow
Letter: To Col. Folsom from T.H. Safford, Guidebooks Lost in Boston Fire, 1873, page 1
Page Status Transcribed

Letter: To Col. Folsom from T.H. Safford, Guidebooks Lost in Boston Fire, 1873, page 1

Subject: Boston Fire.

Mount Auburn Wednesday March 19, 19th 1873

Colonel Folsom


I went this day to the office of Messrs Russell and Richardson to make inquiry in relation to Mount Auburn Guides.

The balance of their last edition was destroyed by the Boston fire on the 9th of November last. In relation to a new edition I found them undecided, they say they have as much business on hand as they can attend to properly and would be glad to sell out. The plates were at the printers office and were saved. I regard it as very uncertain whether or not they will publish a new edition this Spring

T. H. Safford. (over)

Last edit over 4 years ago by MegWinslow
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