Corporation Meeting 21st April 1835
A Meeting of the Proprietors of Lots in
the Cemetery of Mount Auburn was held this
twenty first day of April AD. eighteen hundred
& thirty five pursuant to a notification in
the words & figures following; vis.
Mount Auburn Cemetery
Notice is hereby given to the Proprietors of the Lots
in the Cemetery of Mount Auburn that a meeting
will be held on Tuesday April 21st at 4 o'Clock
P.M. at the Horticultural Room, No 79 Cornhill
Boston to see if they will accept the Charter
granted by the Legislature for incorporating the
said Proprietors, and if accepted to organize
the said Corporation and transact all other
business that may be legally brought before
them._ Proprietors who shall before at or
during the said meeting, by writing assent to
becoming members of the Corporation will be
entitled to vote by proxy._
Boston. April 14, 1835
Joseph Story
John Davis
J. Bigelow
Isaac Parker
George Bond
Charles P. Curtis;_
which notification was published in a news-
paper printed in Boston, called Boston Daily
Advertiser and Patriot, seven days a least
before the day appointed for the said meeting
The Honble John Daivs was elected Moderator
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