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the first annual meeting shall be held on
the twenty fourth day of September next; -
It was voted to adopt & pass the same as one of
the By Laws of the Corporation. -

Trustees to procure Conveyance

It was then voted that the Trustees be author-
ized to procure & accept a conveyance from
the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, of
all the lands & tenements & personal estate
held by them in Cambridge & Watertown or elsewhere
appertaining to the Garden & Cemetery of Mount

This meeting was then adjourned to Tuesday
May 19, 1835 at 4 o'clock P.M. at the Horticultu-
ral Room, in Cornhill, Boston -


Charles P. Curtis, Secretary

Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Suffolk ss. On the twenty third day of April A.D. 1835,
personally appeared Benjamin R. Curtis and made
oath that he would faithfully discharge the duties
of Secretary of the Proprietors of the Cemetery of Mount
Auburn - Before me

Charles P. Curtis
Justice of the Peace

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tenement: means a piece of land held by an owner.