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Sultan al Hadji Mohamed Badrudin
tanda tangan
umur 22 tahun

We, Hadji Mohamet Badrudin Sultan of Sulu
grant to Messrs. Haynes, Streeter [and] Co. or their
assignees a piece of land of their own
choosing not being occupied by any body
previously, fronting the river Maimbong
to the extent of two thousand fathoms
in length and one thousand fathoms
in breadth or the equivalent to be -
retained by them for the purpose of
agriculture for the space of eighteen
months beginning from the fifth of June
1883, on condition their paying five per
cent duty import and export machinery
excepted, the Sultan guaranteeing all
losses caused by his subjects.
The said land to lapse back to the
Sultan if not worked within the said
time. If Messrs. Haynes, Streeter and Co. commenced
to work the said land in the given time
We, the Sultan of Sulu will give them
a proper deed granting the land to them
their heirs or assignees for a term of ninety
nine years (99)
Maimbong, 17th April A.D. 1883

seal 2

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