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See the [?] I had in collecting this small amount
This can all be
destroyed [?]

In account [?] with A. [C.?] Erdahl -
for note of 200.00 @ 7% int. dated May 25. 1930.

200.00 Amt due May 25 - 1931 (?)

15.16 Int due from May 25 - 1931 to June 20 - 1932 1 yr 1 mo


215.16 Amt due on June 20 - 1932

25.00 Int & partial payment pd June 20 - 1932



13.31 Int. due May 25 - 1933


$203 47 Amt due May 25 - 1933

13.25 Amt of Int. pd. on June - 1933



19.96 - Int from May 25 - 1933 to Nov. 22 - 1934 - 1 1/2 years


$210.18 Amt due on Nov. 22 - 1934

15.00 partial Interest pd on Nov. 22 - 1934



16.08 Int. from Nov. 22 - 1934 to Feb. 24 - 1936 - 1 yr. 3 mo


$211.26 Amt due on Feb. 24 - 1936

16.00 Int. pd on Feb. 24 - 1936



16.51 Int from Feb. 24 - 36 to May 8 - 37 - 1 yr. 2 1/2 mo.


211.77 Amt due May 8 - 1937.

15.00 Amt of Int. pd May 8 - 1937



24.33 Int. from May 8, '37 to Feb. 14 '39 ) 1 yr. 9 1/2 mos.


$221.10 Amt due Feb. 14 - 1939

13.00 Amt of Int pd. Feb. 14 - 1939




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