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But irrespective of that fact we have never known [heard?]
that courtesy consisted in lip service. We have
always been taught that the virtue of courtesy
was a matter of the heart.

We fell very much distressed because of this
action of the Post at Lake Mills. It is the most
unpleasant experience that we have ever had. For
it has never happened to us before that we have
come as invited guest into any a community
and been told that we must not do thus and so,
but not this and that.

We are also at a loss to understand this action
of the Post at Lake Mills. We were invited by
the Salem Lutheran Congregation and not
by your Post. We were the guests of said congre-
gation and not of your Post. Hence, it does look
rather strange, to put it mildly, that the Post
should see fit to interfere in matters which
belong to another body. This act, to our mind,
comes dangerously near to being a brich
breach of courtesy.

Times are very serious in our beloved country
just now. It will take all the sane sanity
our people have to get out of present difficulties.
It seems to us that a Post of the American
Legion should be the last organization to
put obstructions in the way for people that
come together in a peaceable manner to
discuss and take counsil with one another
how we best can to meet the dangers threatening
our nation.

Very respectfully yours

O. E. Rölvaag, Secretary
for "Fodrearven".

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