Brucellosis control program in the Ukraine = Organizatsionno-metodicheskie printsipy protivobrutselleznykh meropriiatii v Ukrainskoi SSR



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From: Veterinariia (Mosk), No. 5, May 1967, pp. 52-54.

Didovets, S.k., et al.

BRUCELLOSIS CONTROL PROGRAM IN THE UKRAINE. (Organizatsionno-metodicheskie printsipy protivobrutselleznykh meropriiatil v Ukrainskoi SSR).

Translated from Russian

Prepared for the OICD, APHIS, United States Department of Agriculture by Mrs. Geti Saad, c1-A, Mohammad Ali Society, Karachi-8, Pakistan.


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S. R. Didovets, P. N. Zhovanik, A. M. Teitel, G. K. Bozhko

During the first years after the great national war, the brucellosis of animals was registered in all regions of the Ukrain, SSR. This disease caused significant economical loss to the farms.

The greatest number (1615) of places having brucellosis of the cattle was revealed in 1952. During the same year, 67% of the investigated animals suffered from brucellosis.

Until 1957, health measures against brucellosis in the republic were based mainly on systematic diagnostic investigations of the animals, the slaughtering of all cattle which gave positive result for brucellosis, except the highly productive cows which were concentrated in special isolations; and organization of raising of healthy young ones in the complex with other veterinary-sanitary and agricultural measures recommended at that time for controlling brucellosis.

From 1957, in many farms having this disease, vaccine from the strain 19 was given to the cattle against brucellosis as a prophylactic measure. In the farms of the Kharkov region, in addition to the vaccine from the strain 19, the vaccine UNIIEV was also used (P. N. Zhovanik).

With the increase of the number of cattle in the collective and state farms, these measures were found to be laborintensive and did not give the expected effect.

The measures undertaken during the past 10 years on the liquidation of brucellosis in the Ukranian SSR, somewhat differ from the ones which have been recommended. However, the modification suggested by us regarding the instructions, neither complicates nor weakens the conventional measures against brucellosis in the Soviet Union, on the contrary, makes it more accessible in the organization and more effective.

Last edit 11 months ago by USDA National Agricultural Library
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Measures for the protection of farms free of brucellosis are basically with the ones recommended for controlling the brucellosis. Taking into account the possibility of latent transmission of brucellosis in the young ones and imperfection of diagnosing brucellosis in the republic, the young ones obtained from the uterus of cows from a farm having brucellosis was introduced to farms free of this disease. This was independent of the method of raising the young ones. In addition, all animals having contact with animals suffering from brucellosis were also introduced to farms free of brucellosis.

Serious attention has been paid to the prevention of contact of different sanitary groups of cattle at the pastures during displacement of the animals to indoor maintenance as well as contact with domestic animals belonging to the citizens.

For the prevention of distribution of the infection along with milk products, all the factories working on the processing of milk in the republic were asked to return milk to the collective and state farms only after pasteurization and before feeding the milk to the young ones, and they should once again make it harmless at the farms.

Depending on the degree of distribution and character of transmission of the brucellose infection in the area or region, the farms having brucellosis are kept clean by the following basic means:

1. By way of systematic complex serological investigations of the cattle and slaughtering of the animals giving positive results of brucellosis.

This method is applied in farms with little distribution of the disease as well as for the protection of the cattle belonging to the personnel of the collective farms.

2. By the method of prophylactic inoculation of the young ones of the cattle with vaccine against brucellosis in the complex along with other anti-epizootic measures. This method is applied in farms with large distribution of infection where it is impossible to undertake healthy protective measures by way of substitution of the particular young ones with the young one brought from the farms which are without this disease,


Last edit 11 months ago by USDA National Agricultural Library
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