


Status: Page Status Transcribed

Page Row No Reference to Correspondence Date Place of Accident First name(s) Surname Age Grade Wages Cause of accident Nature of Injuries Date resumed duty Duration of disablement compensation claimed Compensation Paid. Railway, Dock or Factory accident
201 9749 445514 9 April 1920 12 April 1920 Nr Pengam Signal Cabin (B & M Rly) [Brecon & Merthyr] E E Roberts 47 Guard 11s 6d per day Roberts was riding in the brake van at the rear of a train of empty wagons when a sudden jerk caused him to fall against the end of the van. He continued working until April 12th. Back strained 19th April 1920 5 days R
201 9750 445519 10 April 1920 Locomotive Sheds, Barry L Watkins 17 Loco. cleaner 5s per day This youth states that while cleaning the right hand bogie wheel of a Loco. the steam and water escaped from the right injector resulting in a scald to his right arm. Right arm scalded Did not leave work Did not leave work R
201 9751 445531 12 April 1920 No 1 Dock G Jones 40 Tipper 15s 9d per day Applying the brake to a loaded wagon when the brake lever flew tip and struck his arm against the side of the wagon.This mishap occurred at No 6 tip. Right elbow cut. Did not leave work Compelled to give up work on 1st may - Resumed on 9th June 1920 - 5 weeks. Did not leave work Compelled to give up work on 1st may - Resumed on 9th June 1920 - 5 weeks. £8 15s £8 15s D
201 9752 445526 12 April 1920 North Hydraulic Boiler House A Legg 20 Assistant Fireman 9s 6d per day After the steam had been released from No. 13 boiler the plates in front of it were left off and as a result Legg slipped and fell into the pit. Bruising of left hip 19 April 1920 5 days D
201 9753 445520 12 April 1920 No 1 Dock I Parry 48 Tipper 15s 9d per day In the act of applying the brake to a loaded wagon on the turntable of No. 4 tip when the brake lever flew up and struck his left hand against the top of the brake rack. Cut on back of left hand Did not leave work Did not leave work D
201 9754 445528 14 April 1920 Locomotive Sheds, Barry E David 19 Gland Packer 10s 4d per day While removing the gauge glass from the Loco. he was unscrewing a nut with a hammer when the latter slipped causing his left hand to come in contact with broken glass. Left thumb cut. Did not leave work Did not leave work R
201 9755 445527 14 April 1920 No 1 Dock W George 29 Hyd. Packer 11s 10d per day He was cutting off bolts on the cradle brackets of No. 1 movable tip with a chisel which was being struck by another man when the chisel rebounded and his hand struck the bracket. Middle finger lacerated & thumb cut at joint. Did not leave work Did not leave work D

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Tim Lidbetter

B & M Rly - Brecon & Merthyr Railway