


Status: Complete

Page Row No Reference to Correspondence Date Place of Accident First name(s) Surname Age Grade Wages Cause of accident Nature of Injuries Date resumed duty Duration of disablement compensation claimed Compensation Paid. Railway, Dock or Factory accident
207 9791 453148 8 May 1920 Per[manent] Way Yard, Barry C Dodd 42 Ganger 15s 0d per day Dodd was chipping a sleeper by means of an adze where the implement glanced off the bunker and struck his left leg Left leg slightly cut Did not leave work R
207 9792 453130 10 May 1920 General offices D Thomas 51 Carpenter 14s 8d per day Thomas was engaged with others removing a desk to a room in the General Offices when the back of his right hand came in contact with a radiator Right hand bruised Did not leave work R
207 9793 445626 13 May 1920 General offices T Walters 16 Messenger 4s 6d per day Walters, together with another messenger, was seated on the grass slope nerar the eastern door of the General Offices during his dinner hour and as he was about to rise he slipped and fell over the wall a distance of about ten feet, alighting on an iron sheet over the heating apparatus alongside the wall Nose broken Liability not admitted R
207 9794 453131 13 May 1920 No 2 Dock D G Evans 43 Pitwood Pkr [Packer] Tonnage Whilst a crane was hauling a sling of pitwood between a ladder and a stanchion in the No 2 hold of the S/S "Brarou"[?] one of the timbers broke in two and one piece flew across the hold striking Evans on the right thigh Right thigh bruised Did not leave work D
207 9795 453133 14 May 1920 Locomotive Sheds, Barry J Rees 41 Yard Labourer (L) 10s 9d per day Whilst engaged with other men in discharging bars of iron from a truck a heavy bar slipped and alighted on the end of a small bar in the bottom of the truck which caused the other end to fly up and struck Rees on the head. Slight concussion 17th May 1 day R
207 9796 463132 14 May 1920 No 2 Dock W L Jones 41 [?] Packer 12s 0d per day Jones was oiling the slewing chains and rams on one of the Hydraulic ballast cranes when he slipped and fell forward, his head passing between two stages. He was unable to withdraw his head and the tower of the crane turning at the time his neck was slightly squeezed Right side of neck bruised 14 June 1920 4 1/6 weeks £7 5s 10d £7 5s 10d D
207 9797 453156 17 May 1920 Locomotives Shops, Barry F Fowler 21 Fitter 12s 6d per day Fowler was engaged dripping an axle box when a piece of dripping struck his left eye Left eye inflamed Did not leave work R

Notes and Questions

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Scrumpy Geoff

chains and rams?

Scrumpy Geoff

Any offers for name of ship?

Scrumpy Geoff

Row 4, any offers before we go with Tim's version?

Tim Lidbetter

Googling "Brarou" the nearest I've found is Biarou, a place in Senegal. But it is several hundred miles from the sea, and the second letter in the mystery word doesn't look like the writer's other "i"s
Or (Francois) Bayrou, a French politician and a namesake town in Aquitaine.
None seem very likely as the name of a ship

Scrumpy Geoff

Thanks. I have met much the same