


Status: Page Status Transcribed

Page Row No Reference to Correspondence Date Place of Accident First name(s) Surname Age Grade Wages Cause of accident Nature of Injuries Date resumed duty Duration of disablement compensation claimed Compensation Paid. Railway, Dock or Factory accident
218 9867 453304 7 July 1920 Inner deep lock gates I Lacey 66 Underman 10s 4d per day Some concrete in the ram chamber of these gates had to be removed and in connection with this work Lacey was holding a punch which another man was striking when a piece of concrete fled and struck his left eye Left eye inflamed Did not leave work Did not leave work R
218 9868 453307 8 July 1920 Locomotive Sheds, Barry S J W Rogers 16 Cleaner 4s per day This youth states he was cleaning the left hand water tank of a loco when he slipped off the footplate and fell to the ground. In the fall his thigh struck the leading step. Left thigh cut Did not leave work Did not leave work R
218 9869 453306 8 July 1920 Locomotive Sheds, Barry E R Thomas 18 Cleaner 5s per day Thomas states that whilst cleaning the motion links of a Locomotive his hand caught the edge of a split pin which resulted in the palm being cut. Palm of left hand cut Did not leave work Did not leave work R
218 9870 453309 7 July 1920 Locomotive Sheds, Barry F Flynn 36 Labourer (L) 10s 9d per day He accompanied a bogie, on which was loaded some cast iron, up the cupola lift but ommitted to fasten the vehicle and during the raising the bogie moved towards his right foot Large toe contused 12th July 3 days F
218 9871 453314 8 July 1920 Pontypridd Station E Woods 17 Relief Porter 10s 2d per day This youth was engaged sheeting some goods in a truck and when pulling the cord into position the sheet string broke with the result that he fell to the ground Left wrist sprained Did not leave work R
218 9872 453317 9 July 1920 Locomotive Shed Barry I Price 38 Labourer (L) 12s 6d per day On completion of the work of discharging a truck of slag from the Foundry. Price was alighting from the wagon when he stumped on a piece of the slag with the result that he wrenched his ankle Sprained ankle Certified fit 13 August 1920 3 1/3 weeks £5 16s 8d £5 16s 8d R
218 9873 453310 9 July 1920 Pwllgwaun Signal Box J Jones (1) 40 Loco-Driver 15s 6d per day This driver states he was on the look-out for a signal from the signalman when passing the cabin at this place when a spark from the engine of which he was in charge entered his eye Right eye inflamed Did not leave work R

Notes and Questions

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Scrumpy Geoff

Lots still to do

Scrumpy Geoff

Row 3 "motion" and "split pin"

Tim Lidbetter

Line 7 - location is Pwllgwaun I think - Google Maps shows a village of that name just NW of Pontypridd, near the junction between the Barry railway and the Taff Vale

Scrumpy Geoff

Brilliant! Thanks