


Status: Complete

Page Row No Reference to Correspondence Date Place of Accident First name(s) Surname Age Grade Wages Cause of accident Nature of Injuries Date resumed duty Duration of disablement compensation claimed Compensation Paid. Railway, Dock or Factory accident
223 9902 458638 30 July 1920 No 1 Dock H May 63 Berthing Master 15s 3d per day In order to hail the tugs May was walking along the front of No 19 tip and when under the shute a piece of coal fell therefrom a struck him on the head Top of head cut 5th August 1920 4 days D
223 9903 458632 30 July 1920 Locomotive Sheds, Barry G T Sinclair 16 Loco cleaner 4s 3d per day This youth reports that while engaged cleaning the motions of a Loco his right elbow came in contact with a nut of the framework. He was absent from duty for one turn only. Right elbow cut 2 August 1920 one turn only R
223 9904 453372 23 July 1920 No 1 Dock D A Doble 16 Tug Cleaner 6s 3d per day Doble was oiling the thrust block of the engine of tug "Windsor" when his right foot slipped and the large toe was caught between this block and a bolt of shafting Large toe bruised Cerified fit 3 August 1920 1 1/3 weeks - 11s 5d - 11s 5d D
223 9905 453373 27 July 1920 Low Level Sidings No 1 Dock J Slee 26 Asst Fouman [foreman] 10s 1d per day He was walking from these Sidings to the Inspector's cabin in the vicinity and in crossing the rails he states he slipped on a sleeper and fell forward. In his efforts to prevent bodily injury he put out his hands with the result that he sustained injury to his wrist Right wrist fractured 30 August 1920 4 2/3 weeks £8 3s 4d £8 3s 4d R
223 9006 453368 July 22 1920, July 24 1920 No 2 Dock E H Gorecz 40 Pitwood Worker Tonnage This man reported on the 24th July that while making a sling of pitwood on board the S S "Tonnay" on 23rd July he sustained a slight wound on the knuckle of the forefinger of his right hand and that septic-poisoning supervened. Gave up work on 24th July Blood poisoning following slight wound on finger 9th August 1920 2 weeks £3 10s - £3 10s - D
223 9907 435377 29 July 1920 Per Way Yard, Barry H Martin 18 Underman 11s 3d per day Martin was striking a set with a hammer when a piece of steel which fled off the former came in contact with his right eye lid. Eye-lid cut and bruised 9 August 1920 1 1/3 weeks - 11s 8d - 11s 8d R
223 9908 458649 August 1st/6th Sully Hydraulic Engine House O Hillman 18 Hyd[raulic] fireman 11s 8d per day While shovelling coal from the bottom of a heap at No 18 Boiler bunker a lump which must have lodged between the rails at the top of bunker fell and struck Hillman on the left leg. He gave up work on August 6th Left knee bruised 23 August 1920 2 1/6 weeks £3 15s 10d £3 15s 10d D

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Tim Lidbetter

No 4 Grade - Assistant ? F--man


No 4 Grade - Assistant Foreman?

Tim Lidbetter

Can'tb think of anything more likely, although it doesn't look very like "fore" !

Scrumpy Geoff

I think it is probably a misspelling of foreman although there is an Edward Price Evans born in Radnorshire but living in Leicester whose occupation in the 1911 census is given as "railway fouman" but again I suspect a spelling error. I suggest transcribe as fouman [foreman]