Status: Complete
Page | Row No | Reference to Correspondence | Date | Place of Accident | First name(s) | Surname | Age | Grade | Wages | Cause of accident | Nature of Injuries | Date resumed duty | Duration of disablement | compensation claimed | Compensation Paid. | Railway, Dock or Factory accident |
223 | 9902 | 458638 | 30 July 1920 | No 1 Dock | H | May | 63 | Berthing Master | 15s 3d per day | In order to hail the tugs May was walking along the front of No 19 tip and when under the shute a piece of coal fell therefrom a struck him on the head | Top of head cut | 5th August 1920 | 4 days | D | ||
223 | 9903 | 458632 | 30 July 1920 | Locomotive Sheds, Barry | G T | Sinclair | 16 | Loco cleaner | 4s 3d per day | This youth reports that while engaged cleaning the motions of a Loco his right elbow came in contact with a nut of the framework. He was absent from duty for one turn only. | Right elbow cut | 2 August 1920 | one turn only | R | ||
223 | 9904 | 453372 | 23 July 1920 | No 1 Dock | D A | Doble | 16 | Tug Cleaner | 6s 3d per day | Doble was oiling the thrust block of the engine of tug "Windsor" when his right foot slipped and the large toe was caught between this block and a bolt of shafting | Large toe bruised | Cerified fit 3 August 1920 | 1 1/3 weeks | - 11s 5d | - 11s 5d | D |
223 | 9905 | 453373 | 27 July 1920 | Low Level Sidings No 1 Dock | J | Slee | 26 | Asst Fouman [foreman] | 10s 1d per day | He was walking from these Sidings to the Inspector's cabin in the vicinity and in crossing the rails he states he slipped on a sleeper and fell forward. In his efforts to prevent bodily injury he put out his hands with the result that he sustained injury to his wrist | Right wrist fractured | 30 August 1920 | 4 2/3 weeks | £8 3s 4d | £8 3s 4d | R |
223 | 9006 | 453368 | July 22 1920, July 24 1920 | No 2 Dock | E H | Gorecz | 40 | Pitwood Worker | Tonnage | This man reported on the 24th July that while making a sling of pitwood on board the S S "Tonnay" on 23rd July he sustained a slight wound on the knuckle of the forefinger of his right hand and that septic-poisoning supervened. Gave up work on 24th July | Blood poisoning following slight wound on finger | 9th August 1920 | 2 weeks | £3 10s - | £3 10s - | D |
223 | 9907 | 435377 | 29 July 1920 | Per Way Yard, Barry | H | Martin | 18 | Underman | 11s 3d per day | Martin was striking a set with a hammer when a piece of steel which fled off the former came in contact with his right eye lid. | Eye-lid cut and bruised | 9 August 1920 | 1 1/3 weeks | - 11s 8d | - 11s 8d | R |
223 | 9908 | 458649 | August 1st/6th | Sully Hydraulic Engine House | O | Hillman | 18 | Hyd[raulic] fireman | 11s 8d per day | While shovelling coal from the bottom of a heap at No 18 Boiler bunker a lump which must have lodged between the rails at the top of bunker fell and struck Hillman on the left leg. He gave up work on August 6th | Left knee bruised | 23 August 1920 | 2 1/6 weeks | £3 15s 10d | £3 15s 10d | D |
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