


Status: Complete

Page Row No Reference to Correspondence Date Place of Accident First name(s) Surname Age Grade Wages Cause of accident Nature of Injuries Date resumed duty Duration of disablement compensation claimed Compensation Paid. Railway, Dock or Factory accident
228 9936 458708 23 August 1920 No 1 Dock J H Marsh 38 Labourer (S) Tonnage Engaged discharging coal from the S/S Afrodite into wagons and when in the act of tipping a tub of coal in a truck he was struck on the shin of the left leg by a piece of coal. The matter was not reported until 27 August 1920 Buising of shin Did not leave work D
228 9937 458693 24 August 1920 No 2 Dock J Moxley 21 Prop Carrier 17s 6d per day This man was discharging pit props from wagon to pile when he states that a 9'0' piece fell on his left hand Bruising of hand Did not leave work D
228 9938 458699 25 August 1920 Near Llantwit Major Station C Punter 49 Sub-Ganger 11s 11d per day When trimming a hedge, the reaping hook which Punter was using glanced off the stump of a tree and came in contact with his leg Wound in right leg Did not leave work R
228 9939 458704 25 August 1920 No 2 dock J Elford 52 Pitwood Worker Tonnage Elford was at work on the S/S Thrassyvoulos discharging pit-props and was in the act of making a sling of props when one of the pieces slipped and rolled against his left foot Left foot bruised 30 August 1920 3 days D
228 9940 458687 24 August 1920 Near Barry Graving Dock Junction W J Spear 42 Underman 11s 11d per day He was in the act of removing a large stone when the pick used by another workman glanced off a stone and the point came in contact with Spears right hand Flesh wound on back of hand 12 September 1920 2 2/3 weeks £4 13s 4d £4 13s 4d R
228 9941 458697 25 August 1920 Carriage Sheds Barry Station Guren Milsom 42 Carriage Cleaner 7s 1d per day Milsom was in the act of descending from a coach after sweeping out a compartment when she slipped on the footboard and wrenched her knee Right knee strained 1920 £31.10s.0d and 1920 £2.12s.6d 10 January 1921 19 and a half weeks £34.2s.6d £34.2s.6d R
228 9942 458701 26 August 1920 Sully Hydraulic Engine House W C Price 17 Hydraulic Trimmer 5s 11d per day One of the stoke-hole plates in front of No 24 boiler had been removed for the purpose of packing the ram-gland on the ash lift when Price who came round the corner of that boiler in question slipped into the opening Abrasion on left shin and right hip bruised 1 September 1920 4 days D

Notes and Questions

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Line 7 - ram gland? and hip? not very clear - could someone help with what this should say please. Thanks

Tim Lidbetter

I agree with "ram gland". Is the other one "sack lift"?


Not sure about sack lift but I'll change it to that. perhaps it could be boiler or ash lift?

Tim Lidbetter

Ash looks likely

Scrumpy Geoff

ash gets my vote


Thanks gentlemen