


Status: Page Status Transcribed

Page Row No Reference to Correspondence Date Place of Accident First name(s) Surname Age Grade Wages Cause of accident Nature of Injuries Date resumed duty Duration of disablement compensation claimed Compensation Paid. Railway, Dock or Factory accident
233 9971 458707 8 September 1920 locomotive sheds,Barry H D R Attwood 17 locomotive cleaner 5s 6d per day While engaged in cleaning the slide bars of a locomotive another cleanerr who was walking on the engine footplate slipped and fell on to the back of Attwoods neck Slight concussion 20 September 1920 1 1/2 weeks 13s 11d 13s 11d R
233 9972 458708 10 september1920 per way yard,Barry c Fouracre 15 underman 11s 7d per day Fouracre was assisting to move a rail when his right hand was jammed between it and another rail finger laccerated did not leave work R
233 9973 458761 10 september 1920 no2 dock E Phillips 44 labourer 16s per day He was assisting to secure bales of wool in the Transit warehouse from steamer and while placing bales on a hand-truck the cargo-hook which was being used by one of his mates slipped from a bale and came in contact with his eye-lid Wound on left eye-lid 16 September 1920 4 days D
233 9974 455760 12 September 1920 Locomotive Sheds. Barry E R Thomas 18 Locomotive Cleaner 10s 4d per day After cleaning the large ends of a Locomotive, Thomas was about to descend when his clothing caught in a cotterpin and in his efforts to free himself he sustained a cut on his leg Wound in leg Did not leave work R
233 9975 468766 12 September 1920 Cadoxton station J Turrington 50 Underman 11s 7d Engaged in assisting to place a sleeper in position when the timber slipped and fell on to his left foot Bruised toes 15 November 1920 9 weeks £15 15s - £15 15s - %
233 9976 453776 13 September 1920 No 1 Dock A Freeman 33 Labourer (E) 14s 6d per day When descending from a Steam Crane which was being used in connection with repairs to No 13 tip jetty, Freeman slipped striking his left leg against the edge of a plate Abrasion of shin Did not leave work D
233 9977 455767 13 September 1920 No 2 Dock S Lewis 54 Labourer (S) 16s 0d per day Lewis was engaged in conveying a hand-truck with bales of wool from a steamer to the Transit Warehouse when he slipped and fell Right wrist sprained Certified fit 26 October 1920 6 weeks £10 10s - £10 10s - D

Notes and Questions

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Scrumpy Geoff

Rail not nail!

Tim Lidbetter

I have inserted the page and row numbers in the first three entries

Scrumpy Geoff

Thanks. Feel free to carry on. Sorry I can't help much, I confined to bed at the moment... Not as much fun as it sounds!