



Status: Complete

{left margin} Jose Jorge
En este curato de Taos a los treinta dias del mes
de diciembre de mil ochocientos cuarenta y cinco yo
el parroco don Antonio Jose Martines previos ca-
tequismos hallarlo bien instruido y dispuesto en
el principio medio y fin de la religion cristiana
y eficasmente deseoso de cristianarse conforme
a los ritos por bautismo de adultos exorcise bau-
tise solemnemente puse santos oleos y sagrado
crisma a un adulto de trece años de edad descen-
diente de la tribu nabajo de donde fue resca-
tado y convertido y le puse por nombre Jose
Jorge es famulo de don Jose Gabriel Montaño
vecino de la plasa de Purisima Concepcion
fue padrino Santiago de Jesus Valdes vecino de
la plasa de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
quedo entendido de su inteligencia y parentesco
espiritual y para que conste lo firme.
Antonio Jose Martines {rubric}

Notes and Questions

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I thought 'plaza', 'pueblo', and 'puesto' arent capitalized (I believe there is a typo in that instruction bullet, by the way), that only 'Mission' was in reference to a place?


Hi, OGarcia! I'm a volunteer and don't pretend to know it all. But, I think what they mean is, if "Plaza", "Pueblo", or "Puesto" is part of the official name, then it would be capitalized. For example, some missions have the word "mission" as part of their official name. Or they are widely known by many people with the word "mission" as part of the Place Name. Such as, San Fernando Mission, San Gabriel Mission, etc..


per the bullet "Words such as pueblo, puesto and pueblo are not capitalized in relation to a place name. However, the word Mision is if connected to the place, such as Mision de San Augustin."


Thanks for the good advice to follow the guidelines set forth by Dr. Taylor. I was just trying to create a healthy discussion on the matter. As you may already know, there are Place Names with the words "Plaza", "Pueblo", and "Puesto". So, I guess in those cases, we would have to capitalize the words because they are part of the name of the place. For example: Pueblo Nuevo, Durango, Mexico; Pueblo, Colorado, U.S.; Plaza, North Dakota, U.S.; Plaza, Idaho, U.S.; El Puesto, Bolivia; Puesto Dichoso, Argentina; and many, many, more. But I doubt we will ever come across any of those Place Names in the documents that we transcribe. Even Pueblo, Colorado, didn't get founded until 1842. Anyhow, as already mentioned, I was just trying to have a healthy, learning, discussion. Without a doubt, I will follow the guidelines per the bullets. And thank you for the reminder and good advice.