



Status: Complete

que a quedado vivo como los viveres
requa y harrieros que pasara al
pueblo viejo despoblado de Alona por
tener mejores pastos a donde se man-
tendra amunizionando y bastimentando
la dicha gente de guerra durante el
tiempo de mi asistenzia y ausenzia
en dicha provinzia de Moqui cuyo camino
tamvien es de muy cortos y dilatados
aguajes que ymposivilita el llebar
apenas la muy prezissa cavallada
y mulada y para que conste de dicha
causa orden lo pusse por auto que
provey con asistenzia de los dichos
capitanes que luego ejecutaron su
thenor y lo firmaron conmigo dicho
governador y capitan general con mi secretario de govierno y guerra.
Don Diego de Vargas Zapata Lujan Ponze de Leon {rubric}
Juan Paez Hurtado {rubric}
Juan de Dios Luzero de Godoy {rubric}
Roque Madrid {rubric}
Ante mi
Alphonsso Rael de Aguilar {rubric}
Secretario de Govierno y Guerra

Notes and Questions

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This is the first page where I notice line numbers have been added. At first I thought it was a mistake until I looked back at previous pages that now have them too.


I think this feature (of numbered lines) is great!

Native Bound Unbound Project

They used to have it and took it away a while back. Yes, I like it too!


Dr. Taylor! I assumed you had removed the "line numbers". I sensed this was done to stop us from adding more spaces at the end of the text lines before proceeding on to the next line. Regardless, I prefer the line numbers, too. It makes it easier to reference or to find a particular letter or word during the reviewing process.