



Status: Complete

{center} Señor Governador y Capitan General
{left margin} Numero 582
{left margin} This document must be from the year 1701. It is plain that it is adressed to Pedro Rodriguez Cubero and was written at a time when that governor was preparing his campaign against the Moquis which was in the early part of 1701. [ILL] {rubric}
El cavildo justisia y reximiento de esta Villa
de Santa Fee parese ante Vuestra Señoria y dize que respec-
to a tener notisia que Vuestra Señoria determina hazer
entrada con la gente de guerra a pasificar la pro-
vinzia de Moqui rezela este cavildo que mientras Vuestra Señoria
esta en dicha provinzia suseda un motin en este reyno
que ocasione la perdision de el.
Lo primero porque quando Vuestra Señoria el año de mill seis sien-
tos y noventa y nueve a las provinsias de Acoma La La-
guna y Zuni los religiosos parsiales del general don
Diego de Vargas alborotaron los animos de los mo-
radores deste reyno pretendiendo aclamarlo por governador
y ponerle el baston en la mano y si aora sale Vuestra Señoria
tienen dichos religiosos los animos mas ensendidos
y empeñados en formar parsialidad acalorando
la gente material que les cree sus herrados dicta-
menes y estando Vuestra Señoria ausente puede ensender-
se de calidad que tomen las armas los españoles
unos contra otros y biendo los yndios a los espa-
ñoles divizos acalorados de los gentiles lograr la
yntension de desarraigar la predicasion del Santo
Evangelio y perdera Su Magestad este reyno poblado
a costa de su real hazienda.
Lo segundo que quando no se desarraigue la predicasion
del Santo Evangelio en el todo faltando la presensia

Notes and Questions

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FYI: I have only pressed the "Save" button. When time permits, I will return to complete the transcription and to click on the "Done" button.

Native Bound Unbound Project

Thank you, Hector!


The "{left margin}" had text in English and unsure of its signature or initials. On line #8, I discovered the word "moan" translates to "complaint" - I think. On line #10, I took a guess with "vuestro" at something that looks like a "vs". Finally, on line #25, the author of this document got a little cute with the manner he abbreviated the words "real hazienda". It appears like he linked both abbreviations and then placed the exclamation mark for the abbreviation of "real", right above the linking stroke. Anyway, I struggled a little bit with this one.

Native Bound Unbound Project

Hola Hector, thanks for the note. Interesting note in English. We can probably research who the individual was, but I´ll leave it as [ILL] for now.
The V.S. and sometimes V.S. superscript a is for Vuestra Señoria. Thanks again. The writer definitely has in mind the 1680 uprising in mind in this document as well as other attempts after the reconquest.