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Remarks on Bord Ship Huntress

Sund August the 17th commences with strong gales
From the s s e and thick fog midel and letter
Pert strong brezes from the s e with thick
Foggy reney weather at 8 A M wore too the West
so ends

Mondey August the 18th commences with thick foggy
Reney weather e [-] P M [-] set the
Topseils end [jib?] at [-] P M [-] in thick fog et
6 P M took in seil midel pert thick foggy re
ney weather at [-] A M took in seil [-] sew the land saw
Seils end some finbecks [-] so ends

Tuesdey August the 19th commences with brisk
Brezes at 2 P M [hauled to?] the [southward?] [-]
in thick fog et 6 P M took in fore and mizen
Topgallant seil stending back [-] bound too
[-] gallend [-] latter part moderete brezes
From s s e with thick foggy reney weather

Wednesdey August the 20th commences with brisk
Brezes from s s e with foggy weather
Midel pert foggy letter pert wind [-] end clear
Saw humpbecks finbecks and 2 seils sew the
Land mount Kronotskoi the southeast pert
Distenc fifty miles so ends
Let 54 35 Longitude 163-12

Thursdey August the 21st commences with lite
Brezes and celms at 4 P M [-] for finbecks
got most on too them sew [cillers?] end finbacks
eze for [all?] wee could see in everey direction
at 6 P M beat ship a lite e3re sprung up from
The w s w the southeast pert of mount Kronot
skoi bearing N W Distent 20 or 25 miles midel
and letter pert moderete brezes and celms sew
Nothing but finbecks
Lat 54-37

Lines 19-21: The Huntress may have met up with another vessel here, but there is too much blotched out to be certain.
Line 26: Mount Kronotskyie is on the eastern edge of the Kamchatka Peninsula.
Lines 33-35: It appears that they may have attempted to kill a finback. New England whaleboats did not chase killers or finbacks because they swam too fast to be caught.

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This page is very difficult to transcribe as the page is very blotchy and ink very faded in places.