



Status: Incomplete

Cruiseing of Mount Kronotskoi 1845

Friday August the 22nd commences with lite brezes
From s w et 2 P M foggy wore ship severel times
Et 7 P M doubel reeft the topseils ship heading
Too the N E midel pert lite brezes letter pert str
ong brezes from the w s w stering to the s e by s
Spoke the [-] of newbedford [studlee?] sew
Plenty of [whales in shor] at [-] A M kept in shor
Lat 53 48
[marginalia: crude sketch of shipin left margin]

Saturdey August the 23rd commences with moderete
Brezes at 2 P M saw some rite whales going quick
Lowerd the botes and did not get within a mile of
them saw the [land?] [-] [-] of kamchatka
Bearing N W by N employed repairing maint
opgallant sail midel part lite brezes latter part
Strong brezes from the northward with some
Fog sew too seils sew the [-] [-] miles

Sunday August the 24th commences with strong
Breezes from the northwerd [hove?] in for the
Lend sew nothing but humpbecks all seil set ste
reing s e by s bound for newzelend midel end
Letter part brisk brezes from N E ell seil
Set course N E by N sew one whele going quick

Mondey August the 25th eecommences with moderete
Brezes from N E course s e by s sew severel hum
pbecks on a [-] [-] midel pert br
isk brezes from N N E at 3 A M hauled e n e
Letter pert strong brezes from e n e end cloudy
Sew [sounding?] humpbecks so ends
Now observesteon

Tuesdey August the 26th strong brezes from the
E N E end cloudy sew rite wheles struck end
Drowned [stamp of a sinking whale and boat ID] L.B midel pert brisk brezes from N E
With heavy [seas?] swell course s e by s letter
Pert wind N N W end thick fog ell seil set
Steareing S E by S sew 3 finbecks so ends

Now observesteon

Line 2: Mount Kronotskyie is on the eastern edge of the Kamchatka Peninsula.
Line 9: This is possbily the Golconda II, Capt. Studley, who reported in the "Whalemen's Shipping List," Mar. 24, 1846, of having heard from the ship Huntress in August.

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The number [83] as written in the upper right corner does not appear as part of the original log.