



Status: Incomplete

Bound Towerds Newzealend 1845

Tuesday september the 2nd commences with brisk
Brezes from N E course s e saw nothing emp
loyed fitting rigging midel and latter part brisk
Brezes from N E too E N E all sail set saw nothing
Employed fttting rigging so ends
Now observashean

Wednesday september the 3rd commences with brisk
Brezes from e N E saw nothing all sail set midel
Part strong brezes and fare latter part lite bre
zes and fare course s e all sail with studdingsails.

Lat 27 39 Longitude 176 09 east

Thursday september the 4th commences with lite brezes
and fare course s e employed fitting rigging midel
and latter part lite baffling wind with
Heavey rane in squals at 3 A M took in topgallant
Sails saw nothing so ends
Now observasheon

Friday september the 5th commences with lite baffling
Winds and squalley all sail set midel and latter
Part brisk brezes from the eastward stereing
By the wind too the s s e saw nothing emp
loyed in ships dooty
Lat 25-46 Longitude 177-52

Saturday september the 6th commences with strong
Brezes from the eastward saw nothing midel part
Strong brezes from the eastward and squalley at 4 A M
Took in fore and mizen topgallant sail latter part the
Same ship heading by the wind s e by s employed
Repairing foretopgallant sail saw nothing so ends
Lat 23-37 N

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The number [87] as written in the upper right does not appear as part of the original log.