



Status: Complete

Bound Towerds Newzealend September 15

Mondey september the 15 th commences with lite
Eres end celms ell seil set sew nothing midel
Pert lite eres end celms letter pert the same at
7 A M wore ship too the s e employed setting up
Hed steyes sew nothing so ends &c
Let 6-28 Longitude 177-52

Tuesdey september the 16 th commences with lite eres
End celm employed setting up rigging midel
Pert squelley wind e s e letter pert celm em
ployed fitting flying jib boom putting e piece on
the heel of it broke out after [wether?] sew nothing
Let 5-49

Wednesdey september the 17 th commences celms
Employed fitting rigging midel pert celm with hea
vey rene letter pert lite brezes from NE with
Rene squels ell seil set too the best edventege so ends
Now observesteon

Thursdey september the 18 th commences with lite be
ffeling winds employed in ships Dooty midel end
Letter pert lite eres end celms sew nothing so ends

Let 4-49 Longitude 176-32

Fridey september the 19 th commences with celms em
Ployed in ships Dooty midel pert lite eres end ce
lms sew too finbecks letter pert lite eres from
the s w end cloudey sew one seil so ends

Now observesteon

Seturdey september the 20 th commences with lite eres
from s w too sout sew e scool of bleckfish midel
end letter pert lite beffeling winds all seil set set
Sew nothing employed in ships Dooty so ends sew nothing

Sundey september the 21 st commences with lite eres
From the s s e sew one seil ell seil set midel
end letter pert lite eres from NE by E sew bleckfish
Let 3-25 Longitude 174-51

Mondey september the 22 nd
Commences with lite eres from N E by E sew one
Seil midel end letter pert lite brezes from e n e
Sew one seil sew bleckfish employed wetting hole
end screpeing the west
Let 2-35 Longitude 173-45


line 9 hedsteyes: refers to the headstays which is a stay (rope) leading forwrad to the stem
head or end of the bowsprit.
Ref.: transcriber's comment

Position 2-35N 173-45W puts the Huntress in the Caroline Islands of Micronesia and a few hundred mile
NE of Howland island. This is a small 35 acre coral island that is now a nature preserve and is an unorganized, unincorporated
territory of the U.S.
Ref.: transcriber's comment

The writer continues to usually use "e" in place of "a" in most words!

Notes and Questions

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The number [89] as written in the upper right corner does not appear as part of the original log.


It is interesting to note that the writer wrote Newzealand using the 'a' but does not use it in most other instances.


Clarifying note - the blackfish weren't wetting the hole. That would look ridiculous.