



Status: Incomplete

Bound Towerd Newzealend 1845

[Mondey?] october the [19?] th commences with strong

{brezes?] from the se et 4 PM [ -] [ - ] [ - ]
[ - ] [ - ] from the e by s letter p0ert
Wind the saeme [ - - - - - ] [ soutjhwerd?]
Employed in ships Dooty sew nothing so ends
Let 16-16

Tuesday october the 20 th commences with strong
Brezes from se [squelley?] [steereing?] mizen
\Topgellent seil [ ---] letter pert strong bre
zes from [se?] employed in ships Dooty so ends
Let 18 00 Longitud 176 18

==Wednesdey october [ -- ] commences wityh strongh

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The number [93?]as written in the upper right corner does not appear as part of the
original log.