



Status: Complete

Bark Mercator Newbedford on Her Pasage For the West Indies

Remarks onboard Sunday March 23rd
All these 24 hours a steady brisk breze from ESE @ 1 Pm hoved about wind
onboard of an english brig & got a few potatoes she was from pernambuco reports.
Several whale ships tacked there we stered N by E along the land.
At sunset saw 2 sail to S stereing for pernambuco it bore from us W per
Com 15 miles dist hauled up NE by N @ day light stered N sot studing
Sails land out of sight @ 9 Am saw the land again @ 12 mer the land
of cape St roque W by N by N So ends this day Latt By obs 06.00
At 4 Pm Long by Chron 34.22

Remarks onboard Monday March 24th
All these 24 hours strong brezes from SE cours stered N. by W. per com @ 5 Pm
Cape St roque just in sight from aloft bareing SW by W. @ 6 Pm saw a
Sail off the Starbd bow stereing to the N @ 8 Am 1 more sail in sight
To NW. So ends this day the watch scraping & taring the fore & mane chanes &c
Latt By observ 03-00
At 4 Pm Long By Chronom 36-01

Remarks onboard Tuseday March 25th
The first & mid part of these 24 hours brisk brezes from SE & squally with
Rain course stered N.W. @ 6 Am whale ship in sight off the lea So ends
These 24 hours Latt by obser 00.13 S
At 4 Pm Long By DDr 36-40

Remarks onboard Wensday March 26th
These 24 hours moderate brezes from E to NE wind squalls of rain A 4
Pm gamed with ship general scott fair haven bound home @ 7 Pm
Wind E @ 5 Am wind ENE stereing N by W @ 11 wind NE the
General Scott off the lea So ends this day Latt By ob 00.49N
At 4 Pm Long By Chro 38.03
Line 29: "Gamming" generally means pulling alongside another whaling vessel and "hopping"
aboard to enjoy a social.

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Line 6 & 9: Pernambuco is a state in northeast Brazil on the Atlantic Ocean
Line 31: "Gamming" generally means pulling alongside another whaling vessel and "hopping"
aboard to enjoy a social.