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Remarks Monday Sep 8th 1806
The first and Middle Part of this 24 hours morderate gails and hazey at PM Sot up four top mast back Stays at 8 PM handid mai nsail Last Part fresh wind and Veriable at 7 AM Sot main Sail & gib and M topmast Stasail Saw few Spouts Hand at Ships Dutey Veriation 1¼ 85 Days Out Point W
H2 K6 Courses SE Winds NWbW H4 K5 F1 H6 K5 F1 H8 K5 F1 Winds NW H10 K5 F1 Winds North H12 K6 Winds NW H2 K7 F1 H4 K7 F1 Winds WNW H6 K6 H8 K7 Wind WbS H10 K7 F1 Winds SWbS H12 K7 F1
Course S59=4E Dist. 154 Diff. Lat. 79 Depart. 132 Lat. by D.R. 32-41 Lat. by Ob. 32-32 Diff.Lon. 157 Long. in 7=50
Remarks Tusday Sep 9th
First and Middle Part of this 24 hours morderate Gails and Cloudey Saw Plentey of Porpersis Last Part havey gail at 6 AM handid mai n sail and close reefd the top Sails at 10 AM Sent Down M topgallant yard at 11 handid four topSail 86 Days out Veria 1¼ W
H2 K6 Courses SE Winds SW H4 K6 F1 Courses SEbS H6 K7 F1 H8 K6 H10 K6 F1 H12 K3 F1 H2 K6 F1 H4 K7 H6 K6 H8 K5 Courses SSE Winds SWbW H10 K4 Courses SEbS H12 K4
Course S49 E Dist. 136 Diff. Lat. 89 Depart 103 Lat. by D.R. 34-10 Lat. by Ob. 33-49 Diff. Lon. 124 Long. in 5-46 W
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Remarks. Wedns Sep 10th 1806 The first and Middle Part of this 24 hours fresh gail and ruff Sea at 6 PM reefd the foursail and handid the main top Sail Lashed the hallom come up SEbS of EbS Last Part of this 24 hours more morderate at 8 AM Woar Ship Lay up WbS of WNW 87 Days out Veriation 1½ W
H2 K3 Courses SEbS Winds SWbW Lee Way. 1½ H4 K3 Lee Way 1½ H6 K3 Lee Way 1½ H8 K2 Courses SEbS H10 K2 H12 K2 H2 K2 H4 K2 H6 K2 H8 K2 Courses WbS Winds South H10 K2 H12 K2
Course S81E Dist. 36 Diff. Lat. 06 Depart. 36 Lat. by D.R. 34-16 Lat. by Ob. 33-54 Diff. Lon. 44 Long. in 5=2 W
Remarks Thurs Sep 11 th The first Part of this 24 Hours fresh wind attendid with a Swell from SSW at 6 PM bout Ship Lay up EbN Middle and Last Part Calm at 10 AM bent our old foursail Hands well in ploid 88 Days out
H2 K4 F1 Courses WbS Winds South Lee Way. 1 H4 K4 F1 Lee Way. 1 H6 K4 Courses EbN, Winds SSE Lee Way. 1 H8 K2 F1 Lee Way. 1 H10 K2 F1 Lee Way. 1 H12 K2 F1 H2 K0 Courses Calm H4 K0 H6 K0 H8 K0 H10 K0 H12 K0
Course N13E Dist. 8 Diff. Lat. 8 Depart. 2 Lat. by D.R. 34.8 Lat. by Ob. 33-40 Diff. Lon. 2 Long. in 5=0 W
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Remarks Friday Sep 12th 1806 first Part of this 24 hours Calm bent our old top Sail mendid our foursail Middle and Last Part morderate gails and Cloudy Saw few Small Spouts Hands at Ships Dutey 89 Days out Veriation 1½ West
H 2 K 0 Courses Calm H 4 K 0 H 6 K 0 H 8 K 2 Courses South Winds WbS H 10 K 3 H12 K 4 Courses SSEXN Winds WbW H 2 K 4 H 4 K 4 H 6 K 4 H 8 K 6 Winds WNW H10 K 4 H12 K 7
Course S36-34E Dist. 76 Diff. Lat. 61 Depart. 45 Lat by D.R. 35-9 Lat. by Ob. 34-27 Diff. Lon. 54 Long. in: 4:6 W
Remarks Saturday Sep 13th first Part of this 24 hours fresh wind and rain Middle and Last Part fine weather but attendid with a Large Swell from SW b [-] @ 8 AM Saw plenty of humpbacks Hands @ Ships Dutey 90 days out
H2 K6 F1 Courses SSE Winds SWbW H4 K3 Courses SEbS Winds SW H6 K3 Courses EbS Winds South Lee Way. 1 H8 K3 Lee Way. 1 H10 K2 Lee Way. 1 H12 K2 Lee Way. 1 H2 K2 Lee Way. 1 H4 K1 F1 Lee Way. 1 H6 K1 Lee Way. 1 H8 K2 Courses South Winds NE H10 K3 Winds NbE H12 K3 F1 Winds N
Course S65E Dist. 51 Diff. Lat. 22 Depart. 46 Lat. by D.R. 35-31 Lat. by Ob. 34-43 Diff. Lon. 56 03:10 W
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Remarks. Sunday Sep 14th this 24 hours Attendid with Strong gails and havey Clowds at 6 PM took in top Gallin Sail at 2 AM took in Close reef top sails at 6 Am handid four top Sails at 10 Sot it again the Seas Still ruff Hands at Ships Dutey 91 Days out
H2 K3 Courses South Winds NWbN H4 K5 H6 K5 F1 H8 K6 H10 K7 Winds North H12 K7 H2 K9 H4 K9 H6 K7 H8 K7 H10 K7 Courses EbS Winds NNW H12 K7
Course S31E Dist. 139 Diff. Lat. 119 Depart. 72 Lat. by D.R. 36:42 Diff. Lon. 90 1=40 W
Remarks Monday Sep 15th first Part of this 24 hours fresh wind and havey Sea at 6 PM hove two Middle and Last Part Morderate gails and hazey at 6 AM Sot all Sail Sent top Gallant yard a [thort?] Hands well inploid at Ships Dutey &c
92 Days out Veriation 1¾ Points West
H2 K6 Courses East Winds SbE H4 K3 Courses EbN Winds SSE H6 K3 H8 K4 Courses EbS Winds South H10 K2 F1 H12 K2 F1 H2 K3 H4 K3 Courses East Winds SbE H6 K2 H8 K3 H10 K3 H12 K3
Course N72E Dist. 75 Diff. Lat. 23 Depart. 72 Lat. by D.R. 36-19 Lat. by Ob. 36-04 Diff. Lon. 89 Long. in 00=11 [M?] W
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Remarks Tusday Sep 16th the first and Middle Part of this 24 hours Small winds and calm attendid with A Swell from SW Last Part of befour mentiond Hands well in ploid at Ships Dutey 93 Days out Veriation 1 3/4 West
H2 K2 Courses EbS Winds South Lee Way. 1/4 H4 K2 Lee Way. 1/4 H6 K1 Lee Way. 1/4 H8 K1 H10 K1 H12 K1 Courses NE Winds SEbE H2 K1 F1 H4 K1 H6 K1 H8 K0 H10 K0 H12 K0
Course N69-30E Dist. 22 Diff. Lat. 8 Depart. 20 Lat. by D.R. 35-11 Lat. by Ob. 35-58 Diff. Lon. 25 Long. in 00-14 E
Remarks Wednsd Sep 17th The first Part of this 24 hours fresh wind atendid with a Large Swell from SW Middle Part fresh wind at 2 AM took in Close reef top Sails Last Part as befour mention at 10 AM out reefs Hands in Ploid at Ships Dutey 94 Days out
H2 K5 F1 Courses ESE Winds NEbN H4 K5 F1 H6 K5 F1 H8 K5 H10 K6 H12 K7 here is a correcttion H2 K6 to be maid on this H4 K6 Cors of the helm H6 K8 or corrant H8 K7 H10 K8 Veriation 1 3/4 West H12 K7
Course S81-34E Dist. 154 Diff. Lat. 37 Depart. 149 Lat. By Ob. 36-34 Diff. Lon. 187 Long. in 3=21 E