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Sunday July 20th this 24 hours begins with Smawl winds and rain Plentey Middle Part of this 24 hours fresh wind and havey Clouds Last Part fresh wind and Some rain hands @ Ships Dutey
35 Days out correct Diff Longetud
H2 K2 Courses SbE Winds SWbW H4 K3 H6 K3 F1 H8 K3 H10 K4 F1 H12 K5 F1 H2 K5 F1 H4 K6 H6 K6 Courses SbE½E Winds SW H8 K6 H10 K5 H12 K5
Course S19E Dist. 110 Diff. Lat. 104 Depart. 35 Lat. by D.R. 10-25 Lat. by Ob. 10:39 Diff. Lon. 34 Long. in 19-57
Monday July 21th The first Part of this 24 hours fresh wind and Rain plentey a Large Swell from the SbW
Middle and Last Part Some what Squlley and ruff Sea @ 11 AM took in rief in our four topsail took in four an main topgallin Sail hands well inploid in Dutey
H2 K5 Courses S½E Winds WSW H4 K2 H6 K2 H8 K4 H10 K2 H12 K4 H2 K3 H4 K3 F1 36 Days out H6 K5 H8 K5 H10 K5 F1 Courses SSE Winds SW H12 K5 F1
Course S15E Dist. 92 Diff. Lat 89 Depart 24 Lat. by D.R. 8=56 Lat. by Ob. 9-06. Diff. Lon. 24 Long. in 19-33
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Remarks Tusday July 22th this 24 hours begins with fresh wind and rain @ 1 PM riefed our main top Sail hauld up our trySail and handid our gibb and hauld up our main Sail Middle and Last Part fresh wind with Showers of rain @ 9 AM Sat our try Works to gwain hands well imploid Veriation ½ point West
37 Days out
H2 K3 Courses South Winds WSW H4 K[2? 4?] H6 K2 F1 Courses SEbS Winds SWbS Lee Way. ½ H8 K4 Lee Way. ½ H10 K3 F1 Lee Way. ½ H12 K4 Lee Way. ½ H2 K4 Lee Way. ½ H4 K4 Lee Way. ½ H6 K4 Courses SE Winds SSW Lee Way. ½ H8 K3 Lee Way. ½ H10 K2 Lee Way. ½ H12 K2
Course S42E Dist. 77 Diff Lat. 57 Depart. 51 Lat. by D.R. 9 - 5 Diff. Lon. 52 Long. in 18-41
Remarks Wednsday July 23 This 24 hours begins with morderrate gails and hazey with few flying Clowds @ 8 PM bout Ship Lay up WbS @ 4 PM finished trying Middle and Last Part as Above mentiond Wind in Cloins Sothely hands Well imploid @ Ships Dutey &c 38 Days out
H2 K3 F1 Courses SSE Winds SW Lee Way. ½ H4 K4 Course SEbS Winds SWbS Lee Way. ½ H6 K2 F1 Lee Way.1/2 H8 K4 F1 Courses WbS Winds SbW Lee Way. ½ H10 K4 Lee Way. ½ H12 K4 Courses EbS Winds SbE Lee Way. ½ H2 K4 Lee Way. ½ H4 K4 F1 Lee Way. ½ H6 K4 Lee Way. ½ H8 K4 Lee Way. ½ H10 K4 Courses WbS Winds SbW Lee Way. ½ H12 K3 F1 Lee Way. ½
Course S41E Dist. 31 Diff. Lat. 21 Depart. 23 Lat. by D.R. 7-44 Lat. by Ob. 7-52 Diff. Lon 23 Long. in 18-18
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Remarks. Thursday July 24 This 24 hours Morderrate Gails and Clowdey @ 8 PM bout Ship Lay up SEbE Winds inclines [US?] Southerley
Hands Well inploid in making Spunyarn and knotting yarns
39 Days out Veriation ¾ point W
H2 K4 Courses WbS Winds SbW Lee Way. ½ H4 K4 Lee Way. ½ H6 K4 F1 Lee Way. ½ H8 K4 Courses SEbE Winds [S?]--- Lee Way. ½ H10 K4 Courses ESE Winds South Lee Way. ½ H12 K4 Lee Way. ½ H2 K3 F1 Lee Way. ½ H4 K3 F1 Courses SE Winds SWbS Lee Way. ½ H6 K3 F1 Lee Way. ½ H8 K3 F1 H10 K5 Courses SEbE Winds SbW H12 K5
Course S55E Dist. 52 Diff. Lat. 30 Depart. 43 Lat. by D.R. 7-14 Lat. by Ob. 7=35 Diff. Lon. 43 Long. in 17-35
Remarks Friday July 25th the first Part of this 24 hours wind Still inclines Southely with havey Clowds one Sail in Sight on our Cors Middle and Last Part fresh wind Veriable with few flighing Clowds Hands Well inploid in making spunyarn and fitting the third boate Days out 40
H2 K4 Courses SEbE Winds SWbS Lee Way. ½ H4 K5 F1 Lee Way. ½ H6 K5 Lee Way. ½ H8 K3 F1 Courses SEbS Winds SWbS Lee Way. ½ H10 K3 F1 Lee Way. ½ H12 K3 F1 Lee Way. ½ H2 K4 Courses SE½S Winds SW Lee Way. ½ H4 K5 Lee Way. ½ H6 K5 Lee Way. ½ H8 K3 Courses SEbS Winds SWbS Lee Way. ½ H10 K4 Courses SEbE Lee Way. ½ H12 K4 Lee Way. ½
Course S60E Dist. 93 Diff. Lat. 46 Depart. 80 Lat. by D.R. 6-28 Lat. by Ob. 6-55 Diff. Lon. 81 Long. in 16-14
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Remarks Saterday July 26 this 24 hours morderate weather and hazey the Winds Veriable Saw plentey of Porpersis and Caught two Hands Well in Ploid in making Spunyarn and Ships Dutey 41 Days out Veriation ¾ Point West
H2 K3 Courses ESE Winds South H4 K3 H6 K4 H8 K4 Courses West Winds SSW H10 K3 H12 K3 H2 K3 Courses ESE Winds South H4 K2 F1 Courses [SbE½E?] Winds SSW H6 K3 Courses SSE Winds SWbW H8 K4 H10 K3 Courses SEbS Winds SW H12 K3 Courses SbE
Course S39-22E Dist. 45 Diff. Lat. 35 Depart. 28 Lat. by D.R. 5-53 Lat. by Ob. 6-40 Diff. Lon. 28 Long. in 15-46
Remarks Sunday July 27th the first Part of this 24 hours Smawl wind with few flying Clouds Middle and Last Part fresh wind and Ruff sea at 2 AM took in topgallin Sails and main topmas Staisail at 10 AM out Staisail and main topgallin Sail hands @ their Dutey
H2 K3 Courses SSE Winds SWbW H4 K3 H6 K3 H8 K3 F1 H10 K3 F1 H12 K4 Courses SbE Winds WSW Lee Way. 1 H2 K4 Lee Way. 1 H4 K4 F1 Lee Way. 1 H6 K3 F1 Lee Way. 1 H8 K4 Lee Way. 1 H10 K3 F1 Courses SbE½E Winds WSW Lee Way. 1 H12 K3 F1 Courses SbE Lee Way. 1
Course S33:E45 Dist. 85 Diff. Lat. 71 Depart. 48 Lat. by D.R. 5-29 Diff. Lon. 48 Long. in 14-58
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Remarks. Monday July 28 the first Part of this 24 hours fresh wind and rain @ 8 took in main topgallin Sail m top mast Stasail Middle and Last Part of this 24 hours fresh wind and Ruff Sea Wind Still inclines to Sothard & Westward hands well inploid in making Sinnit Veriation 1 point W 43 Days out
H2 K4 Courses SbE Winds WSW Lee Way. 1 H4 K4 Courses SSE Winds SWbW Lee Way. 1 H6 K4 Courses SbE Winds WSW Lee Way. 1 H8 K3 F1 Lee Way. 1 H10 K3 Lee Way. 1 H12 K3 Courses SSE Winds SWbW Lee Way. 1 H2 K5 Lee Way. 1 H4 K5 Courses SEbS Winds SW Lee Way. 1 H6 K3 F1 Courses SEbE Winds SSW Lee Way. 1 H8 K5 Courses ESE Winds SbW Lee Way. 1 H10 K4 F1 Lee Way. 1 H12 K5 Courses SbE Lee Way. 1
Course S53E Dist. 91 Diff. Lat. 55 Depart. 73 Lat. by D.R. 4=34 Lat. by Ob. 4=40 N Diff. Lon. 73 Long. in 13-45
Remarks Tusday July 29th the first Part of this 24 hours fresh wind and ruff Sea @ 4 PM bout Ship Lay up WbS the Middle and Last Part more morderate Saw plentey of manawar hocks and one turkle but Could not git it Hands well inploid in making Sinnit 44 Days out
H2 K4 Courses SEbE Winds SSW Lee Way. 1 H4 K4 F1 Courses SSE Winds SWbW Lee Way. 1 H6 K5 Courses WbS Winds South Lee Way. 1 H8 K5 Lee Way. 1 H10 K4 F1 Lee Way. 1 H12 K4 F1 Lee Way. 1 H2 K4 Lee Way. 1 H4 K4 F1 Lee Way. 1 H6 K4 Lee Way. 1 H8 K4 Courses WSW Winds SSE Lee Way. ½ H10 K4 Lee Way. ½ H12 K4 Lee Way. ½
Course S65W Dist. 75 Diff. Lat 32 Depart. 69 Lat. by D.R. 4-2 Lat. by Ob. 4-11N Diff. Lon. 69 Long. in 14 54 W