California (Bark) of San Francisco, ODHS_217

Bark California of San Francisco, Horace P. Smith, master, Marian Smith, keeper, 1898-1899. Complete sperm and right whaling voyage to the North Pacific.




[pre-printed] RECORD

Last edit over 1 year ago by Joanne Seymour


398 Tons Ship California. Built 1842 at NB New Bedford. Mass Sailed 5/21/42 Retd 3/12/46 Ocean Pac. Capt Geo. Lawrence Jr Agent I. Howland Jr & Co. Sp 3000

Sailed 8/17/46 Retd 1/13/49 Ocean Ind & NW Capt -- Fisher Agent do Sp 400 Wh 2600 Bone 12000

Sailed 8/15/49 Retd 3/15/51 Ocean No Pac Capt -- Adams Agent " Sp 47 Wh 2995 Bone 44500

Sailed 10/22/51 Retd 5/24/54 Ocean " Capt D. D. Wood Agent " Sp 136 Wh 2110 Bone 25200

Sailed 11/2/54 Retd 4/23/58 Ocean " Capt W.B.Manchester Agent " Sp 137 Whale 2799 Bone 26281

Sailed 8/25/58 Retd 6/6/62 Ocean " Capt Chas West Agent " Sp 272 Whale 1992 Bone 19281

Sailed 8/25/62 Retd 4/11/66 Ocean " Capt Chas E. Cleaveland Agent " Sp 80 Whale 2218 Bone 29050

Sailed 8/1/66 Retd 4/22/71 Ocean " Capt Daniel B. Wood Agent Chas. R Tucker & Co Sp 421 Whale 3417 Bone 52285

Sailed 8/7/72 Retd 8/17/76 Ocean N.Z. Capt Josiah E. Chase Agent do Sp 2600 Whale 200 Bone 1500

Sailed 11/8/76 Retd 11/5/80 Ocean Pac Capt Geo F. Brightman Agent John F. Tucker & Co

Sailed 5/20/81 Ocean " Capt do Agent do

Sailed 7/11/86 Ocean " Capt do Agent ED Mandell & Co

Sailed 12/1/98 Retd 11/16/99 Ocean Japan Ochotsk Capt Horace P Smith Agent Wm Lewis -- __________________________________________ [pre-printed sticker] Old Dartmouth

[pre-printed sticker] WHALING [pre-printed sticker] MUSEUM [pre-printed sticker] LIBRARY

[pre-printed sticker] Historical Society __________________________________________ __________________________________________ [pre-printed sticker] THE [pre-printed sticker] ANDREW SNOW, JR. [pre-printed sticker] COLLECTION ___________________________________________

Last edit over 1 year ago by Joanne Seymour


Names of Crew gathered from this Book

Capt Horace P. Smith Mrs Smith (Navigator) Mate T.S. Ogden 2 " Antone Margarido 3 " John [Loubon?] 4 " Emanuel Joseph

B.S. Henry Raymond

Mr. Antone Chas Carlson Jack Roach Herman Martin J. Cosgrove, drowned 6/3/99 by a Whale Antone Roderigues Alfred Miller Harry Cumming Max Buregard C. Edwards

Last edit over 1 year ago by Joanne Seymour
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Last edit over 1 year ago by Gordon T Waring


[pre-printed] 1

Log of Bark Calafornia on a cruise to the Japan & Okots seas

Master H P Smith & wife 1st Mate T S Ogden 2 Mate Antone Margarido 3 Mate John [Lombu?] 4 Mate Emanuel Joseph

San Francisco Cal 1 Thursday Dec 1st/98 At 1:30 P.M. took the Anchor and proceeded to sea in tow of the Tug Monarch at 3 P.M. let go the Hawser and proceded under Sail wind from the North West and fresh several sails in sight

2 Friday Dec 2nd This Day moderate North west winds Vessel steering West South west under all sail crew engaged riging Boats and clearing up 2 men sick Latt 36"37 North Long 124"10 West

Last edit over 1 year ago by Joanne Seymour
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