



Status: Complete


I. Development of Dual System of Education - since 1900
a. overcoming public opinion which was opposed to any schooling for colored.
b. gradual approach to equalization - hindered always by lack of funds.
1. term
2. teacher-load
3. salaries
4. curriculum
5. buildings and equipment
(First 4 have been equalized; considerable progress being made on #5)
II. Above program resulted in
a. racial pride in separate schools
b. economic income for colored race of considerable proportions (about $29,000,000)
c. separate culture: colleges, athletic events, churches, organizations, etc.

III. Decision of court means a change in direction of 180 degrees. To reverse the trend immediately - making abrupt about-face wihcih probably is not desired by the majority of either race - is apt to have unforeseen consequences - especially in areas where the proportion of colored to total population is large.
Thgere could be another 18th amendment.

IV. In addition to this general situation, there are enormous difficulties to hinder rapid desegregation.
a. buildings unsuited to such a program; we are having difficulty at best in providing for increased enrollments
b. adult population not prepared for change
1. transition could be violent if hurried.
2. economic loss to colored teachers will be large
c. classification, or grading, of pupils an enormous problem.
1. in achievement the colored schools are probably 2 years behind the white; many tests given.
2. the difference in background which accounts for present situation has not been removed.

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