



Status: Complete


It is significant, too, of the far-sightedness of our political leaders that in
the past two sessions of our General Assembly two important measures for the
improvement of our public school system for both white and Negro children have
been adopted.

1. In 1941, authorization was made for a twelve-Year Program. A Committee was
set up to evolve a State Course of Study. A great number of school personnel
served on sub-committees in collarboration with this larger Committee. The
final plan was adopted by the State Board of Education and it now in operation
in our schools.
2. Last year, 1943, legislation was passed and funds appropriated for the
operations of all the schools in the State for a term of nine months.

While the above items are most encouraging, there still remains a great deal to
be done before we can say that we have met our obligations, so far as the Negro
citizen is concerned.

Many of our Negro schools receive little or no teaching equipment. This material
is purchased through the local superintendent's office. Frequently the Negro
teacher receives only the minum requirements such as blackboard erasers and
chalk. Although we require the same standards in our Teachers Colleges and in
the certification of our teachers, and although we are rapidly approaching
equality in salaries, we cannot expect to attain the same results with the
children if the teacher is not given the necessary materials with which to apply
the knowledge she has gained. Aside from the gross injustice in this practice,
there is also the financial loss to the State. Does it not seem ridiculous to
invest the same amount of money for inadequate and poorly trained children? Can
we expect to raise the standards of living and general social betterment of our
Negro population by giving them inferior educational opportunities? If we

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