



Status: Page Status Transcribed


[column 1]
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I do hereby certify that
Daniel Clement & Lucy Foster
freed persons of color came
before me and admited that
they have been cohabiting
together as man and wife for
about 47 years and ack
nowledge themselves to be
man and wife
June 23 1866
Eph Gaither clk [clerk]

[column 1]
[column 2]
I do hereby certify that
Ketto stellard and Catherine
Clement freed persons of
collar came before me and
admited that they have
been cohabiting together as
man and wife for about
25 years and acknowledge
themselves to be man and
wife June 23d 1866
Eph Gaither clk [clerk]

[column 1]
[column 2]
I do hereby certify that
Martin Pinkston and Ava
line Bailey fred persons
of collar came before me
and admited that they have
been cohabiting together
as man and wife for
about 13 years and
acknowledge themselves to
be man and wife
June 23d 1866
Eph Gaither clk [clerk]

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