



Status: Complete


[column 1]
[column 2]
I do hereby certify that Daniel
Furches and Elizabeth Gallet
freed persons of colar came
before me and admited that
they have been cohabitating
together as man and wife
for about 11 years and ack
nowlidge themsleves to be
man and wife
Augt 4th 1866
Eph Gaither clk

[column 1]
[column 2]
I do hereby certify that Frank
Wadkins and Rebecah Wiseman
freed persons of color came
before me and admited that
they have been cohabitating
together as man and wife for
about 4 years and acknowledge
them sleves to be man & wife
Augst 4th 1866
Eph Gaither clk

[column 1]
[column 2]
I do hereby certify that Solimon
Sheek and Anna Conrad
freed persons of color came
before me and admited that
they have been cohabitating
together as man and wife
for about 8 years and
acknowledge themsleves to
be man and wife
Augt 4th 1866
Eph Gaither clk

[column 1]
[column 2]
I do hereby certify that George
Nobles and Susan Gillom
freed persons of coler came
before me and admited
that they have been cohabitating
together as man and wife
for about 18 months and
acknowledge themsleves
to be man and wife
Augt 4th 1866
Eph Gaither clk

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