


Status: Complete

North Carolina
Franklin County May the 5th AD 1866
Before me J C Horton Clerk of the Court Pleas
and Quarter Sessions of said County personally
appeared Asborn Johnson and Jane Allen
residents of said County lately slaves but now
emancipated and acknowledge that that do
cohabit together as man and wife and that
said cohabitation commenced 1858
JC Horton CCC

North Carolina
Franklin County May the 5th AD 1866
Before me J C Horton Clerk of the Court of
Please and Quarter Sessions of said County personally
appeared Luther Hoster Sylvia Perry residents
of said County lately slaves but now emancipated
and acknowledge that they do cohabit together as
man and wife and that said cohabitation
commenced 1854 JC Horton CCC

North Carolina
Franklin County May the 5th AD 1866
Before me J C Horton Clerk of the County Court
for the aforesaid County personally appeared
Reddicke Lewis and Sarah Harris residents of said
County lately slaves but now emanciapted and
acknowledge that they do cohabit together as
man and wife and that said cohabitation
commenced 1862 JC Horton CCC

North Carolina
Franklin County May the 5th AD 1866
Before me J C Horton 666 of said County personally
appeared Simon Perry and Martha King
residents of said County lately slaves but now
emanicapated and acknowledge that they do cohabit
together as man & wife and that said cohabitation
commenced in 1845
JC Horton 666

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