



Status: Page Status Needs Review

[column 1]
Lewis Bullock and Jane Bullock
Freed People
WMG 14 years

[column 2]
This day came before me
Lewis Bullock and Jane
Bullock and say that
they have been living
together as man and
wife for about fourteen
years and intend to con
tinue as Such the rem
nunt of their days
A Landis Clk

[column 1
George Lewis and Sally Lewis
Freed People
10 years

[column 2]
This day came before me
George Lewis and Sally
Lewis and Say that they
have been living together
as man and wife for
about ten years and
agree to continue as
Aug 28th ALandis Clk

[column 1]
Edmund Bullock and Emily Bullock
Freed People

[column 2]
This day came before
me Edmund Bullock and
Emily Bullock Freed People
and Say that they
have been living together
as man and wife for
about years and agree
to continue as such
ALandis Clk

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