



Status: Complete

[column 1]
Alex Mafield
Emily Mofield
5 years

[column 2]
This day came before me Alex Mayfield and
Emily Mofield and
say that they have
been living together
as man and wife
for about five years
and inend to re-
main as such
Aug 30th
Jas R Duty JOP

[column 1]
Aaroon Parham
Mary Ann Owen
10 years

[column 2]
This day came before
me Aaron Parham and
Mary Ann Owen and say
that they have been liv
ing as man and wife
for ten years and
intend to remain
as such
Aug 29th
Jas R Duty JP

[column 1]
Paul Winbish
Sally Winbish
23 years

[column 2]
This day came before
me Paul Winbush and
Sallie Winbush and
say that they have
been living together
as man and wife
for twenty three years
and intend to continue
as such
Aug 30th
Jas R Duty JOP

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I've completed some research and confirmed "Jas R Duty" as living in Granville County in the 1850s, 1860s, and 1870s through census records. Jas was also known as "James R Duty". I also confirmed census records in Granville County for the other individuals named in this document.