New Bern District: Trial, Argument, Reference and Appearance Docket Supreme Court of Oyer and Terminer Superior Court, 1758-1765, 1767, 1769-1770



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New_Bern_District_trial_docket_1758_1765, 1767, 1770_8

Page Heading:: New Bern District

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5
Trial, Argument,
Reference and
Appearance Docket
Supreme Court of
Oyer & Terminer
Superior Court
1767, 1769-1770
Last edit almost 3 years ago by daviswt
New_Bern_District_trial_docket_1758_1765, 1767, 1770_10

New_Bern_District_trial_docket_1758_1765, 1767, 1770_10

Page Heading:: Appearance Docket To [11?] Sept.r Sup. Court [date illegible, but presumably 1758]

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5
Indict. Alr. Patterson Evid d.
1. The King asst. Billa Vera Cap's
v.s Issd.
James Parkinson
2. The King Indict
v.s Trespass Billa Vera Cap's
Arthur Moore Sr Issd.
Jesse Moore
3. Idem Indict Billa Vera Cap's
v.s assault Issd.
Matthew Martin Sr
Robert Willis
4. Idem Indict Billa Vera
v.s asst. Cap's
Abner Neal, Abner Issd.
Neal Junr. & Stephen
5. Idem Indict Billa Vera
v.s Tres~s Cap's
Arthur Moor Sr Issd.
William Stansell
6. Idem Indict Billa Vera Cap's
v.s asst. Issd.
Adam Wallis
7. Idem Indict Billa Vera Cap's
v.s asst. Issd.
John Wooton
8. Idem Indict: Billa Vera Cap's
v.s asst. Issd.
Ann Tyson
Last edit over 1 year ago by mbgenrs
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New_Bern_District_trial_docket_1758_1765, 1767, 1770_11

Page Heading:: Appearance Docket To Sep.r Sup. Court 1758

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5
9 The King v. John Neal and Adam Wallis Indict. assault Ignoramus Cha. [Charles] Rue Prosecutor Isd. [Issued?]
10 Idem v. Thomas Wilson Indict asst. [assalt] Ignoramus Wm [William] Mace Prosecutor
11 Idem v. George Patterson Horse stealing Jno Giles Thos Evid. [???] to appear Jepthah [Temp???] Depo. [Deposition] filed Billa Vera Issd. [Issued?]
12 Idem v. Wm Curlee & Wm Elliott [???] Ignoramus, Jacob Vanpelt Prosecutor
13 Idem v. Jn [Conyers?] Montague Indt. [Indictment] Felony Billa Vera Prisn. [Prisoner] brought to [???] [???] & pleaded Not Guilty. Jury [Verd.?]
14 Idem v. Jn [Conyers?] Montague Indt. [Indictment] felony Billa Vera, That the Pris.n [Prisoner] receive 39 Lashes on his bare back at the comm. [community?] Whipping Post & that the Sher. [Sheriff] of Craven Co. do [in???] the same [text extends into next column.] Prisn. [Prisoner] pleaded not Gui [edge of page] Jury's Verdt. [Verdict] Def. [Defendant] is not Guilty & took Goods [???] [???] [???] Judgmt. [judgement].
15 Idem v. James Ruff Indt. [Indictment] Felony Ignoramus Jno [John] Wright, Robt. [Robert] Ruff & Jas [James] Ruff Discharged [???] [???]
16 Idem v. Henry Black Indt. [Indictment] Tresps. [Trespass] Billa Vera Caps. Issued
Last edit almost 2 years ago by thereseb
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New_Bern_District_trial_docket_1758_1765, 1767, 1770_12

Page Heading:: Appearance Docket Sept. Sup Court 1758

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5
17 The King v. Frederic Jones Indt. [indictment] Ignoramus
18 Tate Hasell CoC / Clerk of Court
Last edit over 1 year ago by mbgenrs
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Page Status Needs Review

New_Bern_District_trial_docket_1758_1765, 1767, 1770_13

Page Heading:: Reference Docket to April Superior Court 1761

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5
WH 9 Daniel (Gometh) vs Benone Merrit Debt 10/4
[??] 10 The same vs The same Debt 11/5 the same [??] No Inhabitant [?]
WH 11/22 [??]
Last edit about 1 year ago by oliviaredman
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