
Session of April-May, 1760: Bills, May 3-13




11 1 May 13, 1760

Whereas the Cherokee [smeared illegible] the Instigation of the French continue their Depradations on this Frontier of this Province [pass?] daily murdering and carrying the Inhabitants into Captivity.

Be it therefore enacted by the Governor Council and Assembly, and by the Authority of [crossed out] the [end crossed out] same; That the sum of five thousand pounds proclamation Money be and is hereby granted to his Majesty for Aug= [left margin] 9 [end left margin] =menting the Forces now in The Pay of this Province to [two?] hundred effective men exclusive of Officers. and for paying and subsisting the same when so augmented; Which said Men shall be formed into three Companies, that is to say, [left margin] 19 [end left margin] The Company now in pay shall be augmented to fifty men [left margin] 14 [end left margin] and the other Companies shall Consist of Seventy five men each. And each Company shall have one Captain two lieu [left margin] 16 [end left margin] =tenants two Ensigns one Surgeon one adjutant three sergients [left margin] 17 [end left margin] three Corporals and two Drummers. And shall be paid the following pay to wit, Captain Seven Shillings and six pence a Lieutenant five Shillings an Ensign four Shill= =lings a Surgeon four Shillings an adjutant four Shillings a Sergiant two Shillings a Corporal and Drummer One Shilling and four pence each, and each private man One Shilling per Diem. And each Noncommissioned Officer [left margin] 24 [end left margin] & Private man Six pence p Diem for Subsistance. And The said Forces shall [faded illegible] Continue in [left margin] 26 [end left margin] pay 'till the tenth day of November next, and be employed in Defence of the Western Frontier of this Province, and shall be under the same Regulation and discipline and subject to the same Punishment for Neglect or breach of Duty as the Regular Troops in his Majesty's Service in America.

Provided Nevertheless, that if the said [???] [faded illegible] shall not require the said Forces to be so long continued in pay, it shall and may be lawful for the Governor or Commander in Chief to Cease all or any

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any part of the said Forces to be sooner discharged; any thing herein contained to the Contrary Notwithstanding.

[crossed out paragraph] Provided also. That if the Defense and Serenity of the Frontier shall not require the constant Services of all the said Forces, it shall and may be lawful for the Governor [left margin] 6 [end left margin] or Commander in Chief for the Time being to cause one [left margin] 7 [end left margin] of the said Companies which shall Consist of Twenty five [left margin] 8 [end left margin] men as aforesaid to March and join the Forces of the ad= =jacent Provinces in an Expedition against the said Chero =kees as to employ them upon such other Party as may [crossed out illegible] tend to distress and weaken the said Enemy. [end crossed out paragraph]

And for expediting the said Service. Be it further enacted, by the authority aforesaid, that the [left margin] 14 [end left margin] Sum of twenty Shillings Proclamation Money shall be paid and given as a Bounty to each able bodied man who shall voluntarily inlist to serve his Majesty in [???]= =[???] of the said Companies and ^(also) the Recruiting Officers shall be allowed the like sum for every Person he shall [left margin] 19 [end left margin] so inlist. Also the governor and Commander in Chief the Time being is requested and hereby impowered to issue Warrants for inlisting able bodied Men to serve in the said Companies and to direct the same to such Malitia Officers and others being inhabitants of this Province as shall a[torn] =ply for the same, who are most likely to [service?] the said Companies with expedition. And to make such Warrant returnable to himself within forty Days after the passing of ^(this act) at which Time Officers to the two Companies of Twenty five men each, shall be appointed and Commissioned, Viz., [he?] who Shall have inlisted the greatest numbers of men to lead [^?] appointed the first, and he who hath inlisted the next largest number the second Captain. And the Subalterns to be ap =pointed in like manner. And all the men inlisted by start of the said Warrants shall be formed into the three Companies aforementioned. And if a Sufficient number of able bodied men shall not be inlisted in Virtue of the said Warrants the [torn] Compan[torn]

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Companies shall be compleated by inlisting others.

And be it further enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, that each Captain of the said Three Companies shall pay to each respective Non-Commissioned Officer & soldier in his Company their respective pay by this act allowed, and each Recruiting Officer and person inlisting any Soldiers shall pay and Satisfy to the Soldiers whom he [left margin] 3 [end left margin] shall inlist the the Sum of Twenty Shillings Proclamation Money ^(Bounty as aforesaid) And every Captain Recruiting Officer and other person neglecting so to do shall and are hereby declared to be incapable Thereafter of having any Command or serving as an Officer in either of the Said Companies. And in Case he shall be thereafter continued in the said Service, shall not be allowed any pay for the same nor have any Claim on The Public on that Account.

And be it further enacted by the authority afore =said, That no person in the said Service shall hold or enjoy Two Commissions or posts; And if any person contrary to the Intent and Meaning of this act shall have Several Commissions or be appointed to act in Several Capacities or discharge two or more duties in the same, he shall have an allowance from the Public for one Service only [crossed out illegible] [crossed out line of text] [illegible]

And whereas, there is not money in the Public Treasury to answer the purposes aforesaid, and the reduced state of the Province renders it impracticable to raise the same by a Poll Tax. Be it therefore, [left margin] 27 [end left margin] further enacted, by the authority aforesaid, That Samuel Swann, John Starkey Esquires are hereby authorized impow= =ered and required to Stamp or Print and make out or Cause to be stamped ^(or printed) & also to sign with their Hand Public Bills of Credit to the amount of Ten ^(twelve) thousand pounds at the rate of Proclamation Money, that is to say, One Thousand of three pounds two thousand of two pounds, two thousand of one

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one pound, two thousand of ten shillings & four thousand of five shillings each. and shall receive for Stamping [torn] Printing & making out [illegible] signing the same two [torn] =Cent and no more.

And be it further enacted by the authority afore =said, That the said Bills of Credit when so stamped or printed and signed as aforesaid shall be delivered ^(in) to the Pub[torn] Treasury of This Province, that is to say, five thousand Pounds thereof to the said John Starkey ^([crossed out word]) Public Treasurer of [torn] Southern district and the other five Thousand Pounds to Thomas Barker [crossed out] Esquire [end crossed out] Public Treasurer of the Northern District. And shall be applied to the uses and Purposes by this Act directed.

And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the said Bills of Credit shall be Current and a Lawful tender in all Payments whatsoever as Proclamation Money at the Proportion of four Shillings Proclamation Money for three Shillings sterling, and shall intitle the Possessor Passage to the Sum Specific in each of them to be paid by the Publick sterling money at the rate aforesaid on the tenth Day of November which shall be in the year one thousand seven hundred & Sixty Three in Manner herein after directed.

And be it further enacted by The Authority Afore[torn] That the said Public Treasurer when directed, until the sum [torn] Five ^([faded text]) Thousand Pounds by this Act granted for raising, pay[torn] and Subsisting the three Companies aforementioned shall [torn] fully paid shall make payment in the said Bills of Credit to such Person or Persons as the Governor or Commander in Chief by his Warrant shall order and appoint to receive the same.

And be it further enacted by the Authority afor[torn] =said. That the Person or Persons, who shall receive the [torn] Sum of Five thousand Pounds by Virtue of any Such a Warra[torn]

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Warrant shall amount with the ^(General) Assembly for the same. And every such Person or Persons before receiving the said Money shall enter into Bond with Good and Sufficient Security to his Majesty his Heirs and Successors in double the Sum he shall so received with Condition that he Will Account with the General Assembly for the sum or Sums he shall receive from the said Treasurer or either of them by Virtue of such Warrant; Which Bond shall be taken by and lodged with The Trea= =surer who pays such Money And in Case of a Breach of the Condi= =tion Thereof may be put in Suit, and on judgment being obtained Thereon The Money recovered Shall be applied towards defraying the Contingent Charges of Government in such Manner as the General Assembly shall direct, and to no other use what= =soever.

And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the ^(said sum) sum of [crossed out] [five?] [end crossed out] ^([???] thousand Pounds shall by the Direction of The Governor or Commander in Chief for the Time Being be applied to the particular Purposes ^(herein before) by this act directed if Necessary but if a less sum shall be found Sufficient for the same the surplus shall be applied towards defraying the Contingent Charges of Government [crossed out text] [???] [???] ^(by as deemed by) ^(allowed allowed or which shall hereafter) the General Assembly [crossed out line of text] [illegible]. [end crossed out line of text] ^(and to no other Purpose)

And for the Greater encouragement of such per= =sons as shall inlist [crossed out illegible] voluntarily to serve in the said Com= =panies and other Inhabitants of this Province who should undertake any Depredation against the said Cherokees and other Indians in Alliance with the French. Be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid; That each of the said Indians who shall be taken captive during the present war by any persons as aforesaid, shall and is hereby declared to be a Slave and the absolute right and property of him who shall be Captor of Such Indian, and shall and may be pos= =sessed pass go and remain to such Captor his Executors ad= =ministrators and Assigns as ^(a) Chattel Personal. And each of

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